The villain boss is my family

Chapter 247 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened

Chapter 247 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened (36)

Lan Xinrou on the other end, she couldn't help being puzzled when she saw that the phone was suddenly hung up.

Strange, before he finished speaking, why did he hang up the phone.

She called again, but the other party still didn't answer.

Damn it, he dared not answer her call.

Shijiu asked Tang Zhihua to call [-], and the police came and took the bald man away. Finally, the two of them went to the police station to make notes.

Walking out, Tang Zhihua covered his aching face and said angrily, "Yunyan, why didn't you tell Lan Xinrou? She's so bad, she should be sent to prison! She'll be in prison for ten years." Eight years is not a problem."

Shi Jiu looked forward with a gloomy gaze, "She hasn't gotten the punishment she deserves yet."

How could it be possible for her to go in so easily.

She still has to peel off the outer skin of her body little by little, and bask in the sun.

She also wants to let her slowly walk to the brink of collapse.

Hearing what she said, Tang Zhihua was puzzled. If that woman went in, wouldn't she get the punishment she deserved?

At this time, Shi Jiu turned to look at Tang Zhihua's messy appearance, reached out and touched her head, and softly called her name, "Zhihua."

Tang Zhihua blinked, thinking that she would say something caring or sensational to her.

If so, she must have burst into tears, but what she didn't want to wait for was a word that made her depressed.

Shi Jiu glanced at her appearance, "Zhi Hua, your current appearance is really ugly."

He said with a smile and lifted his foot to leave.

After Tang Zhihua realized it, he had already walked away.


At this time, it was almost dawn, and the sky was pale.

After sending Tang Zhihua home safely, Shi Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

She took a taxi back to the manor, sat in the car and took a rest with her eyes closed.

The car stopped, and when she came back, she happened to see Lan Xinrou. She got up so early, so she wanted to see if she could come back?
But it really disappointed her.

Shijiu walked in.

Lan Xinrou, who kept her head down, watched her come back at this time, raised her head with a surprised expression, "You!"

She is fine!
In the next second, Shi Jiu's hand was already on her neck.

Lan Xinrou's face froze, she grabbed the hand on her neck and yelled, "Yun Yan, what do you want!"

Shi Jiu snorted coldly and pinched her neck, "Lan Xinrou, I warn you, don't touch the people around me."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Lan Xinrou dodged her eyes.

"Don't know?"

Shi Jiu grabbed her neck tightly and dragged her from the wheelchair with all his might.

The terrified Lan Xinrou screamed, "Let... let go of him and me! Let me go!"

She kept struggling, Shi Jiu was not affected by her at all, and looked at her gradually turning blue face expressionlessly.

Lan Xinrou kept pawing and pulling the hand around her neck, she couldn't make a sound, she could only move her lips, "!"

God!Yun Yan, is she crazy?

Who will save her!
Feeling her breath getting smaller and smaller, her struggle gradually became smaller.

There is a person standing outside the door.

"Yunyan! Stop it!"

Huo Tingchen's voice mixed with anger reached Shi Jiu's ears, and she looked towards the door and raised her eyebrows.

Why come back at this time?
It looked like she couldn't explain it clearly again.

Huo Tingchen stared at her, he really didn't expect that she would do such a thing blatantly while he was away!
As if Shi Jiu didn't hear it, the strength in his hand gradually tightened.

(End of this chapter)

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