The villain boss is my family

Chapter 252 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened

Chapter 252 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened (41)

Hearing her affirmative tone, Lan Xinrou's expression froze for a moment, and she smiled unnaturally, "Evidence? What evidence?"

What evidence can she have.

She didn't believe what she said.

Shi Jiu was not in a hurry, he took back the fruit plate and picked up a small piece of apple and ate it, thinking it tasted good, he took another piece.

Lan Xinrou looked at her fidgeting, there seemed to be a hook in her heart, and she couldn't let it go.

After eating the last piece of apple, Shi Jiu took a napkin and slowly wiped his mouth and then his hands.

She looked up at Lan Xinrou and said with a smile, "Don't you want evidence? I'll give you evidence."

Lan Xinrou's brows twitched, she did it perfectly, no one would find out, even Huo Tingtingchen didn't suspect her.

Shi Jiu took out a pink lady's bracelet from his pocket, "Is this yours?"

Looking at the bracelet that belonged to her, Lan Xinrou swallowed her saliva, she remained silent and did not speak.

How could this bracelet be with her.

She searched for a long time but couldn't find it.

It turned out to be picked up by her.

"When I was injured in the hospital, someone fell there."

"However, this bracelet looks familiar to me, isn't it yours?"

After finishing speaking, Jiu stared closely at the earrings on her ears, "This bracelet is the same type of jewelry as the pair of earrings on your ears, right?"

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, she raised her eyebrows and continued: "That figure came to the ward in the dark. I found out when he came in, and left the things left behind in a panic."

"That figure is you, right? From that time on, I suspected that you were a fake disability."

Shi Jiu showed a smile on his face, and said slowly: "I guess at that time you should really want me to die."

Then, she looked directly at Lan Xinrou, "It's a pity, I let you down, I'm still alive."

Hearing that she was exposing her fake disability, Lan Xinrou snorted coldly, "So what if this necklace is mine? If I really want to say that, I just lied to you about the fact that I am disabled. This has nothing to do with your What does that evidence have to do with it?"

It's just a necklace, what kind of evidence can it be?
Hearing her indirect admission, Shi Jiu's smile gradually widened, "It is said that this jewelry should also have a necklace, isn't it?"

"So what?"

"You really don't remember where that necklace went?"

After she mentioned this, Lan Xinrou's expression froze instantly.

Is the necklace in her son?
This is impossible.

When I was arguing with Huo Yixue back then, I didn't know where the necklace fell. She went back to look for it, but found it wasn't there. She thought it was dropped somewhere else and she didn't care about it.

At that time, in order to frame Yun Yan, she put on a play with those people. She acted as Yun Yan and talked to those people, deliberately provoking Huo Yixue.

Huo Yixue, who was blind, rushed up and grabbed her, and wrestled with her. In the end, she was so angry that those people insulted her.

After the incident, she found that the necklace around her neck was missing, and went back to look for it, but it was not there.

Shi Jiu looked at Lan Xinrou and remained silent.

From memory, after being framed in this way, Yunyan returned to the scene of the crime again disheartened, hoping to find some clues.

Sure enough, she found a necklace that did not belong to Huo Yixue.

She didn't know who it belonged to, and thought it was dropped by a passing pedestrian, so she didn't investigate further.

Finally, now that she had the memory, she found the necklace in a long-sealed box.

(End of this chapter)

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