The villain boss is my family

Chapter 256 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened

Chapter 256 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened (45)

After the phone was hung up, Huo Tingchen called again, but found that he couldn't answer.

He strode towards the car parked in front, opened the door and sat in, then drove away by himself.

Ke Fan at the back looked blankly at the car that had gone away, was he directly abandoned by Master Qi?


When Shi Jiu turned off his cell phone, his stomach started to ring.

Seeing several restaurants not far ahead, he said to the driver driving ahead, "Master, please stop here."

After the car stopped.

She walked into a restaurant, and finally, she ordered two dishes and a bottle of beer.


With a sullen face, Huo Tingchen was driving the car while making phone calls. He called several times but still no one answered.

He punched the steering wheel angrily.


The speed of the car soared slowly, running through several red lights in a row.

Distraught, he reluctantly called again.

At this time, on the other side of the intersection, a large truck seemed to lose control.

The driver above was breaking out in a cold sweat. No matter how hard he stepped on the accelerator, he couldn't stop the car. He honked his horn all the way and kept yelling, "Damn it, I'm really going to die!"

He raised his head and found a black car coming in front of him.

The driver of the big truck was pale, and it would be really miserable if he really hit it.

He honked his horn desperately hoping the driver in front would hear him.

Huo Tingchen didn't pay attention to the situation in front of him, he was still on the phone non-stop, and his frown was not let go for a long time.

Yunyan, why didn't you answer the phone!
Please answer the phone, please!

He hung up and called again, repeating several times.

At this time, he heard the whistle in front of him, but it was too late, the big truck rushed towards him, and Huo Tingchen slammed the steering wheel with his eyes widened.

The big truck still ran into him.



There was a harsh sound, and then a loud bang.

The two cars collided beyond recognition.

The windshield in front of Huo Tingchen was completely shattered, and the front of the car was seriously damaged. His face was covered in blood and he fainted on the steering wheel.

For a time, this sudden major accident attracted many people to watch.

Someone quickly called 120.

In the end, Huo Tingchen was sent to the hospital.


By evening.

Shijiu felt that it was getting late, so he walked out of the restaurant after paying the bill
She suddenly received a call, and seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, she connected it.

A strange woman's voice came from the other end, "Hello, is your name Yunyan?"

Shi Jiu hummed lightly, and then a bad premonition spread in his heart.

"Did something happen?"

"That's right, this gentleman had a serious car accident. He is currently being rescued in the hospital, and you are the only person in his cell phone address book. Can you come to the hospital? Or please inform his family Hurry to the hospital."

When the other end of the phone was hung up, Shi Jiu couldn't turn his head around, and was in a daze.

Just now it was said that Huo Tingchen had a car accident and he is now in the hospital!
How could there be a car accident?
Without thinking too much, she took a taxi and rushed to the hospital.


At this time, the hospital.

Shi Jiu stood silently in the corridor of the hospital, looking at the operating room where the red light was still on, her heart sank.

Just now the doctor told her that Huo Tingchen's condition was not optimistic. His brain was severely impacted, several ribs in his chest were broken, and one rib pierced into his heart. The doctor asked her to make plans for the next step.

(End of this chapter)

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