The villain boss is my family

Chapter 266 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened

Chapter 266 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened (55)

Ke Fan nodded and admitted, "Theoretically, that's the case."

"If something happens to Yunyan, I will fight you hard!"

Ke Fan trembled from Tang Zhihua's angry voice, and he seemed to feel that the other party crawled over the phone line and scolded him.

Tang Zhihua on the other end thought of something, "Could it be that Lan Xinrou took Yunyan away? A while ago, that woman escaped."

Ke Fan remained silent. If this was the case, then Madam would be in danger.

After hanging up the phone, he relayed what Tang Zhihua said.

Huo Tingchen narrowed his eyes, "Lan Xinrou?"

Immediately, he glanced at Ke Fan with a cold face, "Hurry up and ask someone to check."

Ke Fan nodded and hurried to investigate.

He remained expressionless and silent, hoping it wasn't the worst outcome.

After half an hour, Ke Fan escorted a man in and walked in, "Master Qi, this man has seen his wife before."

The man trembled in fear, "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Huo Tingchen looked at the man with cold eyes, "Where did he go?"

Unable to withstand his cold eyes, the man said all he knew tremblingly, "The other party is a woman, she gave me some money, and asked me to do something. At that time, I hadn't eaten for several days. Yes, so I agreed."

"She asked me to follow a beautiful woman, as long as I followed. After the incident, the beautiful woman seemed to be knocked out by her. After I helped her lift the woman into the car, she let me go."

After the man finished speaking, he could feel that the temperature around him had dropped, and he couldn't help shivering. The man in front of him was so scary.

He seems to have helped something he shouldn't have, and he's had a big problem.

Huo Tingchen frowned, and said in a low voice, "Do you know where they went?"

The man said cautiously: "That car seems... seems to be heading towards the pier."

Receiving Huo Tingchen's gaze, Ke Fan nodded and walked out immediately after knowing the general direction.

At this time, Huo Tingchen's cell phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number.

He got through.

From the other end came Lan Xinrou's smug laugh, "Huo Tingchen, this woman Yunyan is in my hands now, if you want to save her, you have to be alone, otherwise I will kill her."

Then hung up the phone.

In one sentence, concise and clear.

Huo Tingchen walked out with a sullen face.


Near the pier, the sea is endless, and the waves beat against the rocks.

There is a small village located there, where Shi Jiu was imprisoned.

At this time, Lan Xinrou was standing in front of Shi Jiu, holding a knife in her hand and looking at her viciously, "If I cut your face a few times, you say that Huo Tingchen saw you like this , will he still be moved by you? Will he still like your appearance?"

Shi Jiu sneered, "Even if you scratch my face, Huo Tingchen won't like you."

She raised her eyes and smiled slightly at the woman in front of her, "As for me, he probably won't dislike me no matter what. What he loves is me, not my face."

Thinking that Huo Tingchen didn't love her at all, Lan Xinrou said angrily, "Shut up! If you say another word, I'll scratch your face."

After speaking, she angrily pointed the knife at Shijiu.

After being threatened by her like this, Shi Jiu naturally stopped talking, and she didn't want to be so ugly that she couldn't see anyone.


A loud bang.

The two people inside were taken aback. Lan Xinrou looked at the door and found that the person standing at the door was Huo Tingchen. She hurried to Shi Jiu's side and put the knife on Shi Jiu's neck, "Huo Tingchen, are you just like this?" Want to save this woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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