The villain boss is my family

Chapter 270 Slave, would rather die than marry

Chapter 270 Slave, would rather die than marry (1)

After she finished the task, when Tian Zhen asked her if she would leave the world, she shook her head when she looked at Huo Tingchen who was meticulously rubbing her stomach because of her menstruation.

In the end, he chose to stay and spend his life with Huo Tingchen hand in hand.

After that, she returned to the system space.

Shi Jiu rubbed the two rings in his hand, and said expressionlessly, "Naive, explain to me quickly."

Tian Zhen whispered: "Actually, I didn't know that this process would go wrong. I only found out later. I am very wronged to say."

Shi Jiu looked at the two rings in his hand, rubbed the center of his brows, "The fragments will merge, until the next time."

After a while, after the fragments merged, the fragments merged together in her mind, and what appeared was a mutilated face.

She frowned, whose face is that?
Why is she not impressed?

"Beautiful sister, the next world begins."

The innocent voice pulled her back from her thoughts.

She was sent out of system space again.


There was heavy rain, thunder and lightning.

On the Red Luan Hall, blood was all over the ground, and dozens of dead black-clothed killers lay on the ground.


The inside of the hall was flickering and flickering, and there was a barrier above the hall.

There was a cold and biting voice from inside.

"Drag out!"


Soon, the hall was cleaned up without any traces.

The figure inside the barrier glanced at the clothes on his body. There was a drop of blood on the hem of the clothes. He frowned, as if he wanted to take a bath and change clothes.

"little bottle."

The shadow guard outside took a look at the figure on the ground, "Master, the little bottle has passed out."

"Wake him up."

"Yes, sir."


A basin of water was poured over the head, and the figure on the ground moved.

"Cough cough cough..."

Consciousness gradually wakes up.

Shi Jiu opened his eyes, looked at the surrounding environment, and then looked at his wet body, what happened?

"Host, the transmission of plane memory has been completed."

The name of this body, Cloud Bottle.

The original owner of the body was a woman.

By chance, she disguised herself as a man in the palace to be a little eunuch.

She is one of many refugees fleeing.

Penniless, she passed the bulletin board and heard from the onlookers that the Nine Thousand Years Palace Qianmo urgently recruited a personal eunuch, and the salary was generous.

Everyone who heard the name Gong Qianmo trembled.

Because everyone knows that he is a ruthless eunuch, the last time Mr. Li's family was ransacked and beheaded was all due to him.

But no one is willing to be a eunuch, let alone dare to go.

In the end, the notice was posted for three days, but no one cares about it.

Thinking of my own situation, I am full and hungry every day, and I don’t know when I will be able to eat again next time.

When she heard the conditions of the generous treatment, she felt a little eager to move.

When she saw a group of officers and soldiers take away the notice, she asked and learned that the list was changed every three days.

So, she gritted her teeth and said that she would sign up to be the personal eunuch.

The soldiers who came to change the list were very happy when they heard that someone finally signed up!
The boss has also said that this list will remain on the list until someone is recruited, and Nine Thousand Years can't afford to offend anyone.

He just saw that the original notice was damaged and wanted to replace it with a new one, but he didn't expect that someone would sign up without fear of death.

She was brought into the palace. She was dressed in rough and ragged clothes, and her face was full of stains, making it impossible to see that she was a woman, and no one suspected her.

In the cleaning room, there was someone who was an eunuch like her, and while no one was paying attention, she exchanged a person's precious lump, and finally got through in a flurry of confusion.

An Weiying took her from the personnel room to the Hongluan Palace, explaining the rules along the way.

Standing on the main hall, the original owner was trembling and a little at a loss.

 Big eunuch×little eunuch?
  Fake eunuch × fake male eunuch?

  Hiccup, let’s learn more about it together!
(End of this chapter)

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