The villain boss is my family

Chapter 278 Slave, would rather die than marry

Chapter 278 Slave, would rather die than marry (9)

She lay down in front of the crack of the door and glanced at the situation outside, and couldn't help but exclaim in her heart.

Did the opponents come in a group?
"little bottle."

Gong Qianmo's voice came from behind Shi Jiu, and when she turned her head, the person who was supposed to be asleep was already standing in front of her fully dressed.

She walked over, frowning, "Nine thousand years old, outside..."

"Are you scared?"

Shi Jiu blinked and shook his head quickly, "Don't be afraid, there are nine thousand years here, right?"

The eunuch's life is very valuable, but his methods are not vegetarian.

Gong Qianmo chuckled, as if amused by her words.

He looked at her and said calmly: "What if I don't save you?"

Shi Jiu was stunned, obviously not knowing that he would say that.

If he doesn't save her, maybe she will die here, but she won't let herself die.

When it's time to be courteous, she is polite, and when it's time to flatter, she is flattering. She has a serious face, "I don't hesitate to die for nine thousand years."

Gong Qianmo's deep laughter came out, "The person I recruited with great difficulty, how could they let you die."

While they were talking, the man in black rushed in.

Then, Shi Jiu's eyes went dark and she was pushed aside.

"Stay right there and don't go over there."

Gong Qianmo's face was full of indifference, he looked at the men in black and sneered, stretched out his hand, the strength in his palm turned into a sharp palm wind and sent it over, the men in black fell to the ground instantly.

Then, Shi Jiu saw a scene that made her very sick. The men in black were all dismembered to varying degrees. Their arms, legs and heads were scattered all over the ground, piece by piece. The scene was very bloody.

After beheading all the men in black, Gong Qianmo withdrew his hand with a very calm expression. It seemed that he was used to these scenes.

His body was stained with a lot of blood, and he frowned slightly seeing his unclean appearance.

That scene made Shi Jiu couldn't help lowering his head and retching anymore.

Hearing the sound of retching, Gong Qianmo looked over there, thinking that the last time, she didn't pass out this time.

He walked over and smiled, "Do you think this palace is cruel?"

Shi Jiu looked up at him quietly and shook his head, "Not cruel, if you don't kill him, he will kill you."


Seeing that he didn't believe it, Shi Jiu raised three fingers, "I swear, what I said is true."

Gong Qianmo's eyes were deep, obviously not convinced by what she said, she was silent for a while, looked down at what she was thinking, then lifted her foot and left.

A word came from the person who walked away, "Change and take a bath."

Shi Jiu glanced at the horrific scene, and hurriedly followed with his scalp numb.

Ying Yi who rushed over ordered people to clean up the hall quickly.

In the end, the main hall was cleaned up spotlessly, as if what happened just now had never happened.


After Gong Qianmo came out of the shower, she looked at the person sitting by the door who had already fallen asleep, and suddenly chuckled, so she could fall asleep like this.

"little bottle."

He yelled a few times, but found that there was no response. He looked at her for a long time, and he seemed really tired.


the next day.

After Shijiu woke up, she miraculously found herself sleeping on that big eunuch's bed!
How did she come to his bed.

Thinking of something, she quickly reached out to touch herself, and after finding nothing unusual, she calmed down.

My mind was full of thoughts about how he would sleep here, where did the big eunuch go?
"Little bottle, are you awake?" Ying Yi's voice came over.

(End of this chapter)

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