The villain boss is my family

Chapter 292 Slave, would rather die than marry

Chapter 292 Slave, would rather die than marry (23)

"Concubine Jing is here!"

Then, everyone saw Concubine Jing wearing a red rider costume, slowly walking into everyone's eyes.

Different from Concubine Ling, Concubine Jing has a sunny aura and looks very energetic.

Concubine Ling saw her approaching, with a look of jealousy in her eyes.

This nasty woman!
Concubine Jing stopped and stepped forward, smiling slightly, "The concubine sees the emperor."

When the emperor saw someone coming, he went up to support her with a happy face, "My concubine, please get up quickly, please get up quickly."

Concubine Ling who was standing behind saw that woman receiving special treatment from the emperor, her complexion sank, and she couldn't help but clenched her hands tightly.

Concubine Jing glanced casually, and found that Gong Qianmo didn't seem to have arrived for a moment.

Immediately, she smiled gently, "Your Majesty, has the hunting meeting started yet? Is the concubine not late?"

The emperor looked at her rectified face fascinatedly, and couldn't help swallowing when he looked at her white neck that was exposed.

He stretched out his hand to hold Concubine Jing's hands and slowly rubbed them together, "Not too late, not too late."

Xu Shi noticed that his gaze was too wanton, and Concubine Jing said in a low voice with embarrassment: "Your Majesty, are there still so many people watching here?"

The emperor realized his gaffe, coughed lightly and slowly withdrew his gaze.

"Nine thousand years old!"

Hearing this shout, everyone was shocked.

Nine thousand years old is here!
He really came!
Gong Qianmo looked indifferent, and walked over gracefully.

Shi Jiu, who was behind him, glanced at the people walking in front, and then secretly glanced at everyone present, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The last one to appear on the stage is really big.

Concubine Jing couldn't help casting her astonishing eyes when she saw the figure with so many eyes.

The footsteps stopped, Gong Qianmo looked at the emperor and nodded slightly, and said in a flat tone: "Your Majesty."

"Qianmo, you are finally here!"

The emperor laughed, "Since everyone is here, the hunting meeting will begin now."

After the emperor and others were seated, an eunuch next to him announced the competition and some rules, and then all the participants left for hunting.

Shi Jiu watched almost all the people in the arena leave, and secretly wondered if he could take the opportunity to be lazy.

However, it seems that she can't.

Concubine Jing glanced at the absent emperor, she withdrew her hand, "Your Majesty, my concubine also wants to go hunting."

The emperor wondered, "Why?"

"The concubine has to come in handy wearing this rider uniform, otherwise it would be a pity, wouldn't it?"

Concubine Ling glanced at her attire, and said, "The concubine also wants to participate."

The emperor looked at the two and finally nodded, "Alright, but you have to be accompanied by someone."

Concubine Jing smiled, "The concubine thinks that there is one person who can do it."

"who is it?"

She looked towards Gong Qianmo, "It's nine thousand years old."

The emperor was a little surprised, he didn't expect that she would choose Gong Qianmo.

Shijiu raised an eyebrow.

This woman couldn't see the eunuch in private, but she made it clear that she wanted to come in front of the emperor, and the eunuch would not be able to refute the emperor's face.

This woman is very scheming.

She set her eyes on Gong Qianmo.

But will the eunuch agree?
Gong Qianmo was drinking tea, and what he just said didn't seem to affect his progress of drinking tea.

The emperor looked over, "I don't know what Qianmo wants?"

 Ask for a ticket!dogs

(End of this chapter)

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