The villain boss is my family

Chapter 296 Slave, would rather die than marry

Chapter 296 Slave, would rather die than marry (27)

One of Shi Jiu's arms and two legs were bitten hard by wolves respectively, and they were already stained with blood, and she couldn't move even with all her strength.

The clothes on his body were all torn and torn, and bloodstains could be vaguely seen inside the torn places. These wounds were exposed under the eyes of the wolves, which also made the wolves attack fiercely.

Now Shi Jiu is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, she raises her unfettered other hand and keeps beating her body.

No matter pinching, beating, or hammering, it didn't help. The wolf saw that she seemed to have given up struggling, and the force of her mouth was tearing even harder.

Shi Jiu's face was pale and weak, lying on the ground, only the slightly rising and falling chest proved that she was still alive.

Her eyes had lost their color, and all the pain in her body stimulated her nerves. Perhaps due to excessive blood loss, Shi Jiu's mind was dizzy, and her eyelids couldn't help but close.

It hurts, it really hurts.

Where did the eunuch go, why didn't he come to rescue her.

If you don't save her, she will really burp.

"Beautiful sister, hold on, hold on for a while, the eunuch is coming here."

"Shut up... shut up, get out."

If she couldn't stand it, she probably would have gone to see Hades a long time ago, but now she really has no strength.

Unable to hold on any longer, Shi Jiu finally passed out.

Gong Qianmo rushed over with a sullen face, and saw the lifeless man on the ground being bitten by wolves.

The gloomy expression instantly killed the wolves that were biting Shijiu to the ground.

He was panting heavily, with a lot of color on his body, he took a look at the corpses of wolves all over the ground, exhaled, and dragged his exhausted body towards Shijiu.

Seeing the person lying quietly, Gong Qianmo frowned and stretched out his hand to push, but found that there was no response from the person at all. He scanned the surrounding area. The terrain here is complicated, and he didn't know where they were at this time.

The weather was not good, and it started to rain.

Gong Qianmo pursed her lips, and hugged Princess Shijiu with a look of disgust, thinking of finding a place to shelter from the rain.

After such a hug, I found that the person is quite light. Has he not eaten on weekdays?
Not long after walking, he saw a hidden small hole not far away where the weeds were overgrown, and he hurried over with the person in his arms.

Entering the cave, the rain outside became heavier and heavier.

Gong Qianmo frowned, and took off her drenched coat.

Glancing at Shi Jiu who was ignored, he struggled for a long time. He took off his coat and saw that the clothes inside were stained red with blood. He stretched out his hand and untied Shi Jiu's clothes.

Then, his hand was struck back like an electric shock, and what he saw immediately made his face sink.

The vial is a woman.

He looked down at Shi Jiu, stretched out his hand to push off the hat on her head, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly

Oh, it turned out to be her.

How dare she lie to him!

Very good!
But I don't care about it for the time being when she is seriously injured.

After Gong Qianmo knew that the other party was a woman, the movements of her hands also unknowingly softened.

Afterwards, the clothes were dried directly with internal force, and he roughly cleaned up Shijiu's wound,
In the end, he quietly looked at the unconscious person, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

Then the corners of his mouth turned up.

Really looking forward to what happens next!

It rained all night.


The rain stopped, and before dawn, Yingyi was the first to find them.

When he came in and saw Gong Qianmo and Shi Jiu lying there, he was stunned for a while.

"Master, my subordinates are late, please punish me."


(End of this chapter)

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