The villain boss is my family

Chapter 315 Slave, would rather die than marry

Chapter 315 Slave, would rather die than marry (46)

The high-ranking emperor looked at Concubine Jing below with a cold face, "Are you pleading guilty?"

He is so good to her, why should she lie to him!
Concubine Jing was silent, and suddenly raised her eyes to look at Gong Qianmo who was sitting not far away, and saw that the other party didn't even look at her.

Thinking of all the past, she gave up. It turned out that all of this was her wishful thinking.

After a long time, she closed her eyes and admitted, "The concubine pleaded guilty."

Hearing her confession, the emperor's face was ashen, and he slapped his palm on the table angrily, "Good! Very good!"

He was the majestic king of a country who was played around by two women, he didn't even know it.

"Come and take Concubine Jing down!"

At this time, Concubine Jing's father looked a little anxious, and he hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, Concubine Jing is still pregnant with your child!"

When the child is born, maybe he can save his daughter's life, maybe he can.Mother is more expensive than child.

Sure enough, the emperor immediately showed a look of being unable to make a choice, and seemed to be very entangled.

Seeing his stunned look, Leng Shuhan's face darkened. She clenched her fists and said expressionlessly: "The emperor broke the law and the common people are the same crime, let alone the emperor's concubine."

Back then, he ruthlessly left her Xun'er in the cold palace, and it was impossible for her to forget it in this life.

At this time, Concubine Jing was sitting on the ground in a daze, and she didn't hear what the other people said at all.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly, stretched out her hands to cover her stomach, felt pain in her abdomen, and a hot current gushed out from her body.

Then, a large pool of blood slowly flowed out where she was sitting.

She stretched out her hand and touched it.

Her child... is gone...

Thinking of the bowl of plum soup she drank before coming here, she laughed in a low voice, and couldn't help but shed tears, the last trace of blood was gone on her gradually pale face.

Ye Hao, Ye Hao.

She didn't want this child in the first place, and she would suffer together with her.

Finally, due to excessive blood loss, she passed out all at once.

The fainted Concubine Jing was taken away, and after the morning meeting, the ministers also dispersed.

Finally, the emperor glanced at Xun'er who was next to Leng Shuhan and pursed his lips in silence.

So that child is his child?

He wanted to call Leng Shuhan to stop, but he still didn't speak.


Gong Qianmo looked at Shi Jiu with raised eyebrows and said slowly, "Satisfied now?"

Shi Jiu smiled and nodded, "Satisfied, of course."

How can she be dissatisfied after completing such a task?

Immediately, her face became gossip, and she blinked her eyes pretending to be puzzled, "But, Nine Thousand Years Old, aren't you and Concubine Jing old acquaintances? Why don't you reach out to help?"

This is an acquaintance at any rate, why is he so heartless?

Gong Qianmo glanced at her coldly, and a cold voice came from his throat, "What does a person who has nothing to do with me have anything to do with me?"

After speaking, he strode away from here.

Shi Jiu looked at his back and raised his eyebrows.

Irrelevant?This can also be said export.

Listening to the woman's tone, the two clearly had an affair.

With a cold snort, she also walked out of the hall.

The grievances were cleared, Leng Shuhan finally smiled happily.

She looked seriously at Shi Jiu who came out, "Thank you, girl! It's all thanks to the girl's help that my grievances can be cleared."

Shi Jiu shook his head with a smile, "Ma'am, don't say that, generally speaking, it was won by Madam's own ability."

(End of this chapter)

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