The villain boss is my family

Chapter 324 Slave, would rather die than marry

Chapter 324 Slave, would rather die than marry (55)

At this time, Xiaoluzi walked in and looked at the sleeping person with a complicated expression.

I didn't expect the small bottle to be...

Hearing the movement, Shi Jiu opened his eyes.

Seeing that the person woke up, Little Lvzi didn't know what to say, and walked out again with a troubled expression on her face.

Shi Jiu was confused by this.

What's the matter, little green boy?Why is that weird?

After tidying up, she left the residence and went to Hongluan Hall.

On the way there, everyone looked at her strangely, which made her always feel that something was wrong, and it even seemed that she had done something shameful.

"Look, look, it's him!"

"No wonder, he looks very handsome, but I suddenly feel that he is so pitiful."

Shi Jiu frowned, and walked in the direction of Hongluan Hall with doubts.


Inside the Hongluan Hall, the corners of Gong Qianmo's lips were slightly raised, and she squinted her eyes and looked towards the door, as if she was waiting for Shi Jiu's arrival.

Standing by the side, Ying Yi's expression was very stiff, his master actually wanted to marry a young eunuch.

This simply overturned his cognition.

He always thought that their master liked beautiful women, but he didn't expect that it turned out not to be.

He really couldn't figure out why the master married that little eunuch so easily, could it be that it was because of a long-term love?
Although that little eunuch's appearance looks passable, he is still a man turned eunuch after all, how can this be compared to a soft woman?
Ying Yi sneaked a glance at his master, and found that their master was quite happy when he smiled.

Along the way, everyone pointed at her, and Shi Jiu's face couldn't help turning dark.

What the hell is going on!
Arriving at the gate of Hongluan Palace, when she went in, she met Yingyi who was coming out, and the other party was obviously taken aback when he saw her.

Doubt appeared in Shi Jiu's eyes, she looked at the person who left, and couldn't help complaining in her heart, what happened today, why did she look so weird?

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, she walked inside.

Seeing someone coming, Gong Qianmo's eyes swept over Shi Jiu's body, the eyes were so deep that one couldn't guess why.

Shi Jiu was confused, stepped forward and bowed his head, "Nine thousand years old, slave..."

"My Majesty has something to tell you."

The words in her mouth instantly stuck in her throat.

She blinked, what would the eunuch tell her?
So, the next words made her froze on the spot, her expression cracked in an instant.

Gong Qianmo paused, then said slowly, "The emperor ordered marry me."

Shi Jiu's eyes slowly opened wide, in disbelief, "What did you say!"

Marry him!
She married him!
She wants to marry him, the great eunuch!

What kind of international joke is this!
No wonder other people's eyes were so strange along the way, that's how it is!
Gong Qianmo repeated again, "You want to marry Bengong."

Shi Jiu put on a cold face and squeezed his palms, "I disagree, I would rather die than marry!"

At this moment, Gong Qianmo's expression darkened slightly, "The emperor has already issued an order, if not, you will be punished with death."

Shi Jiu looked up at him with a cold expression, "Why?"

There must be a reason for her, right?

After a while, Gong Qianmo smiled imperceptibly, and said in a lazy voice, "Because I like it."

Shi Jiu was stunned by Gong Qianmo's answer.

What is this ghost?

Is it okay if he likes it?


Just as she was about to speak, an innocent voice came over.

"Beep, the system task, when you discover the secret hidden by the other party, the plane will be considered complete."

Shi Jiu: "..." This is to trick her, right?

(End of this chapter)

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