The villain boss is my family

Chapter 326 Slave, I would rather die than marry [End]

Chapter 326 Slave, I would rather die than marry (57) [End]

A minister said, "You said that when you marry a wife at the age of 90, what will the bridal chamber be like?"

After speaking, the man burst out laughing, and many people also snickered, but they didn't laugh so recklessly.


There was a hole in the chest of the minister, and he fell to the ground in an instant.

This situation shocked everyone.

As soon as they turned around, they found Gong Qianmo standing behind them expressionlessly in a red robe, and Ying Yi next to him wiped the sword clean and took it back.

Those ministers suddenly knelt on the ground with pale faces.

Gong Qianmo glanced coldly at the ministers on the ground, "Today is my grand occasion, so I don't care about it with you. If I hear another sentence from now on, don't blame me for being rude."

Then, he lifted his foot and left.

Here, Shi Jiu had already put on the cumbersome red wedding dress.

Wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei on her head, and rouge and gouache on her face, the whole person's temperament suddenly sublimated.

Even the maidservants standing next to her didn't turn their eyes straight when they looked at her. I didn't expect that a eunuch of him would be so beautiful in women's clothes, prettier than all the women in the palace. It's no wonder that Jiuqian Suihui likes it, so it is.

The auspicious time had come, and Shi Jiu, who was dressed up, was led out by the hand.


The marriage was officiated by the emperor, and all civil and military officials were witnesses.

Gong Qianmo looked at the person walking slowly.The corners of his lips raised slightly, he stretched out his hand to hold Shi Jiu's hand and came over.

When two people hold hands together.Each can feel the warmth of each other's hands.

Shi Jiu looked nervous, just being led away by him like this.

After walking for a while, the two came before the emperor.

The emperor looked at the two and said, "Congratulations on Qianmo's big day today! It's almost time, so let's start the ceremony!"

"The auspicious time has come!"

"Worship heaven and earth."


"Send to the bridal chamber!"

In a noisy environment, the two completed a series of tedious rituals.


In the empty room, Shi Jiu lifted the red hijab on his head and came out to take a few breaths.

Glancing at the glowing red room around her, she sighed, and she just married herself to an eunuch.

Suddenly I felt my mouth was dry, and I didn't even have to drink a sip of water since morning.

Glancing at the wine and snacks on the table, she walked over to eat a piece of pastry, then poured herself a glass of wine happily and drank it.

After drinking, she suddenly felt hot all over, and her face turned red instantly.

At this time, Gong Qianmo walked in, looked at the person prostrated in front of the table with deep eyes, "When everyone has left, I am going out."

Shi Jiu turned around, her face flushed, her eyes blurred, "I... what's wrong with me?"

What the hell is going on here?

Gong Qianmo frowned at her appearance, subconsciously looked at the wine on the table, did she drink that wine?

Uncontrollable by his brain, Shi Jiu stumbled towards Gong Qianmo, and after she said something in his ear, she laughed softly.

Thus, Shi Jiu was thrown down.


the next day.

Shi Jiu woke up in a daze, remembering what happened yesterday, her face flushed red at the same time, she knew something instantly, and then her face turned black.

Gritting her teeth and blushing, she shouted loudly: "Gong Qianmo, I'm going to kill you!"


"Beep, congratulations on completing the mission..."

(End of text)

(End of this chapter)

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