The villain boss is my family

Chapter 331 God, please let me go!

Chapter 331 God, please let me go! (5)

Her face was livid, and she lowered her head to look at her new fairy dress and shoes on her feet, which she put on specially before coming here.

Seeing that it was wet with a large piece of water, and it was accompanied by dots of black stains, she was extremely annoyed, "Qingyao!"

Shi Jiu raised his eyes, showing a surprised expression, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you were standing here just now."

She said innocently: "Fairy Zixun, get out of here quickly, and I will stain your dress again later, otherwise the loss outweighs the gain."

Fairy Zixun gritted her teeth, "You..."

Damn Qingyao!
She glanced at her dirty dress, turned and left here with a sullen face.

Shi Jiu looked at the person who left angrily, chuckled lightly, and continued to do his own thing with his head down.

This scene made Ye Yuehan's deadly rival, Shangxian Lianmo, notice it.

He curled his lips coldly, heh, it turned out to be just a peach blossom demon with low cultivation.


By night.

Shi Jiu finally cleaned the Wenhua Palace inside and out, up and down.

At this moment, she was lying on the ground tired, looking at the bright moon above her head, and exhaled heavily, unexpectedly it was so late.

After lying down for a while, she slowly got up and walked towards the Wenhua Palace.

Shi Jiu glanced at Ye Yuehan's closed door and hesitated for a while, then dragged his exhausted body back to his own door.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Ye Yuehan opened his eyes, and he was silent while thinking.


Early the next morning.

I woke up early when I was hungry.coming.

When she opened the door, she found some food placed at the door, and found that one of the foods inside was exactly the white water nectar she needed to replenish. This was specially prepared by Ye Yuehan for her after she became an adult.

This white water nectar can replenish the energy she lost throughout the day, and can enhance the aura in her body.

This is good stuff.

Shi Jiu picked up the white water nectar and drank it all in one gulp. She was full of vitality instantly, and she squinted her eyes in satisfaction.

Afterwards, she came to Wenhua Palace, seeing Ye Yuehan meditating with her eyes closed, she didn't want to disturb her.

Just like that, she stood silently by the side and waited, looking at him from time to time.

An hour later, Ye Yuehan slowly opened his eyes, and he raised his eyes to look at Shi Jiu, "Go and prepare pens, inks, papers and inkstones."

Shi Jiu nodded and walked out.

After a while, she came back again, stepped forward and put the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in front of Ye Yuehan's eyes, "Master."

"Grinding the inkstone."

Shi Jiu was stunned for a while, and replied, "Yes."

After the inkstone was sharpened, when Shi Jiu pushed it aside, Ye Yuehan picked up the brush and began to write slowly on the paper.

Seeing his serious appearance, Shi Jiu was stunned for a while.

I don't know when Ye Yuehan finished writing, so he put the written paper into an envelope.

He handed over the envelope, "Send this letter to Shangxian Lianmo, there must be no mistakes."

Shi Jiu took the envelope, looked up at him, and finally walked out of the Wenhua Palace.

She took the envelope and left Wenhua Palace.

When she was halfway there, she remembered that she didn't seem to know who the Shangxian Lianmo was, and the original owner didn't seem to have seen him.

She glanced back at Wenhua Hall, and wanted to go back and ask her master, but after much deliberation, she decided to forget it.

On the road, it is also possible to ask someone at random.

So, she embarked on a journey to find someone.

(End of this chapter)

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