The villain boss is my family

Chapter 336 God, please let me go!

Chapter 336 God, please let me go! (10)

Ye Yuehan returned to his residence, set his eyes on the table beside him, reached out and flicked an object and it appeared on the table.

It was a crystal ball, and the red light body inside kept moving.

He stretched out his hand and touched the crystal ball, his eyes dimmed.

This is one of Xi'er's broken souls, which he spent a lot of time collecting when she was wiped out. Although there is only one broken soul, there is still a possibility of resurrection.

After thinking for a long time in his heart, he stretched out his hand again and gestured a few more times, and the crystal ball cracked in response.

The dripping red light inside seemed to have perception, hovered in mid-air a few times, and rushed out of the door after a while and disappeared. .

Ye Yuehan cleaned up the wreckage, and then walked out the door.

Here, Shi Jiu sighed and walked into the Wenhua Hall.

Suddenly, an impact hit her.


She fell to the ground.

Shi Jiu's heart skipped a beat suddenly, she froze, what was that feeling just now?
The red light hovered above her head and refused to leave for a long time, but Shi Jiu couldn't see the red light.

Ye Yuehan, who came out from the inside, saw this strange scene, and his eyes became dark.

Is she really not her?

He secretly took back the red light body that was trying to escape.

Shi Jiu was puzzled, what hit her just now?
She stood up and looked at Ye Yuehan, "Master, there was something like..."

"You feel wrong."

Knowing that the other party wasn't the one he was looking for, Ye Yuehan said lightly, "Go back and read the scriptures you copied last time, it might come in handy for the game the day after tomorrow, as a teacher and other things, let's go first." leave here."

Then, he lifted his foot and left the place.

Shi Jiu looked at Ye Yuehan's back, the tone he spoke to her just now felt a little alienated, did she feel wrong?

She lowered her head and thoughtfully recalled the scene just now. Something hit her just now.
Shi Jiu stretched out her hand to cover her heart, how could it be said that she felt wrong?

Just now she seemed to feel a familiar breath, but she didn't know what it was.


Ten at noon.

Shi Jiu was called by Ye Yuehan.

She stopped and looked at him, "Master, are you looking for an apprentice?"

"The game the day after tomorrow..."

Shi Jiu's face was full of fighting spirit, it seemed that the little mentality of victory in her heart made her attach great importance to this competition.

"The apprentice will definitely do his best, and promise not to disappoint the master."

That woman will definitely play tricks in the dark, of course she will win, and then slap her in the face severely.

Ye Yuehan looked up at her, with a complicated expression on his face, and then it took a long time before he spoke.

"Do you still remember the exercises that my teacher taught you?"

Shi Jiu recalled from memory that the original owner had already learned to master it, and practice made perfect use of it.

She nodded, "I have already engraved the exercises in my heart, master, please rest assured."

Ye Yuehan looked at her seriously, "Let me test your achievements."

Immediately, a sword hung in mid-air out of thin air, attacking Shi Jiu.

Shi Jiu concentrated her mind, waving her hand, and kept resisting the attack of the sword. After a few rounds, she was exhausted.

Finally, with a hard blow, she won.

Shi Jiu looked at Ye Yuehan with a smile, "Master."

The expression on Yeyue's face relaxed slightly, "I still hope that there is still room for improvement, so that I can study without arrogance or impetuosity."

"Yes, my disciple respectfully obeys the master's instructions."

(End of this chapter)

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