The villain boss is my family

Chapter 358 God, please let me go!

Chapter 358 God, please let me go! (32)

She said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, I feel a little tired today, why don't we have another day?"

Ji Wuqing's expression became a little awkward, and Xiao Yaoyao didn't have time to accompany him.

In desperation, he had no choice but to leave here, because if he stayed in this place for a long time, he would be discovered.

He sighed, "Alright then! I'll come to you next time."

Qingyao finally dismissed her, and she was relieved.

The woman in her body must be expelled as soon as possible, otherwise the night will be full of dreams.


Ji Wuqing didn't return to the Demon Realm immediately, but walked around the Heaven Realm, and suddenly saw Lian Mo leave.

He raised his eyebrows, isn't that Xi'er's friend?It seems to be called Lian Mo.

But where is he going?
Speaking of Lian Mo, he didn't have a deep impression of him. Once, Xi'er brought back a seriously injured person, and that person was Lian Mo.

At that time he discovered that Lian Mo had unusual feelings for Xi'er no matter in any aspect, but Xi'er already had a heart at that time, so naturally he would not respond to his feelings, and as an older brother, he didn't care about those things. matter.

He was silent for a while, then followed.

After a long time, Lian Mo came to the place where he came last time, and Ji Wuqing came out after seeing someone go in.

He took a general look at the surrounding environment and found that this place was not simple. It was obvious that the seasons outside were like spring and the sun was just right, but he felt a trace of cold intruding into his bones.

With a flick of the sleeve, a black light flashed, and an entrance appeared in front of his eyes.

He stood in front of the entrance, and soon he could feel the coolness coming from inside

What the hell is this Lian Mo up to?
Driven by curiosity, I went inside.


Lian Mo came to the ice coffin, looked at the sleeping woman inside, "Xi'er, she has promised, you will be resurrected soon."

He slowly recalled: "Xi'er, you chose Ye Yuehan back then, this time I hope you can see how good I am to you when you wake up, can we forget about him? He is not worthy of your love. "

"Xi'er, after you left, I tried my best to preserve your body. No one will know about it."

He smiled bitterly, "Back then, if it wasn't for Ye Yuehan, you wouldn't have died, and you wouldn't have lost your soul."

As he said that, his gaze became fierce, "Xi'er, I will avenge your revenge! Ye Yuehan, I will not let him go!"

At this time, Ji Wuqing had already walked in, looking at the hidden cave inside, her heart was beating so hard for some reason.

After walking a few steps, his footsteps stopped, his pupils shrank, because when he saw that the person lying in the ice coffin was her dead sister, he rushed over.

Only then did Lian Mo realize that he was being followed.

But when he saw who the other party was, he didn't feel panicked or surprised when he was discovered, but was surprisingly calm.

He stood up and looked at the face in front of him that was similar to Xi'er, "Long time no see, Ji Wuqing."

Ji Wuqing looked at Lian Mo expressionlessly, and said in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Isn't my sister already...

How could he keep Xi'er's body?
Xi'er is obviously already out of her wits!
There are countless questions in his mind that need to be solved.

Lian Mo looked at him and chuckled, "That's what you saw, Xi'er's body is here."

Ji Wuqing looked at the person in the ice coffin, and his eyes turned red, probably because the man was crying, and there was nothing unusual about his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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