The villain boss is my family

Chapter 366 God, please let me go!

Chapter 366 God, please let me go! (40)

At this moment, Ye Yuehan was distracted.

Qing Yao on the side looked at him and called softly: "Master? Master?"

Why is the master so weird?

Why does it look like the master is not happy.

Since she woke up, she was overjoyed to know that the woman in her body had been driven out.

Master belongs to her now.

But after she woke up, the master not only didn't blame, but became strange instead.

Ye Yuehan quickly recovered, calmly.Glancing at her, "It's almost time, go down and rest!"

Qingyao was startled, what was Master thinking about so fascinated just now?
She couldn't think of an answer, so she replied "yes" and left.

Ye Yuehan looked at her leaving figure, his eyes dimmed, and his expression was a little lonely.

Sure enough, that one is her, she is Xi'er, this one is just his apprentice Qingyao.

No wonder she felt so familiar to her, no wonder Chi Xiao accepted her.

He had already felt that Qingyao was different before and after, but he didn't go into it further.

When he knew that there was another soul in Qingyao's body, no matter how he thought about it, he never thought that that soul would be her reincarnation.

But now, she is indeed resurrected, she really came back.

What should he do now?

Will she forgive him?

He dared not go to her, fearing that she would hate him.


At this time, Qing Yao has already arrived at Youmeng Palace.

After thinking about it, she felt that she still had to come over, and thanked Shangxian for helping her drive away that woman.

Since Lian Mo revived Ji Yuexi, his spiritual power was severely damaged and he has been in seclusion.

Qing Yao stood outside the door and spoke, unaware of Lian Mo's situation at this time.

"Shangxian, Qingyao asks to see you."

The people inside didn't respond to her, Qingyao lowered her eyes and continued to speak, "Qingyao came to thank Shangxian, thank Shangxian for helping Qingyao."

The door opened, and Lian Mo came out with a sullen face, "What did you just say?"

She is Qingyao, so that is Xi'er?
Qingyao raised her head to look at him in confusion, she was stunned when she saw this, Shangxian's hair turned white!
She covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Shangxian, your hair..."

Did Shangxian become like this for her?

Lian Mo pursed his lips and lowered his head, thinking about his own affairs.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have done something wrong, and his expression suddenly became a little melancholy.

Xi'er, will she forgive him?

After a while, the door closed again.

This made Qing Yao outside the door confused.

What happened to Shangxian?
How is it so strange to be the same as the master.


Demon world.

A place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, Shi Jiu was brought to this place by Ji Wuqing, saying that it was for her to cultivate her character and cultivate her sentiments, so she would keep her mouth shut and not talk about Ye Yuehan.

And during this period of time, Shi Jiu was raised white and fat, without the physique that would collapse when the wind blows before.

She looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her, but she was very bored in her heart.

What to do, she misses her master a little bit, as well as the Zixun Fairy who was beaten to death by her and the people in Wenhua Palace.

While she was sighing one after another, a white figure approached her quietly.

Ye Yuehan looked at the woman leaning on the window sill in front of him, his breathing seemed to stop at this moment.

She really woke up.

At this moment, he was standing in front of him alive.

His forward steps stopped, and he didn't dare to take another step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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