The villain boss is my family

Chapter 368 God, please let me go!

Chapter 368 God, please let me go! (42)

Just when she was feeling sad, an innocent voice came into her mind, "Beep, the original owner's wish before he was wiped out was to never have anything to do with Ye Yuehan again."

Shijiu: "..."

"It seems...not okay?"

Didn't she want to hug the villain's thigh?

This has nothing to do with it and doesn't meet the needs of the task!

"Ahem, in order to conform to the stable development of the plot, you can refer to the general routine and torture the male protagonist to death, and the female protagonist will not be moved at all. In the end, when the male protagonist is about to die, the female protagonist has snot and tears. Said to forgive him, and finally a happy ending."

Shi Jiu blinked calmly, so she has to abuse Ben first, and then choose to forgive?

"By the way, I would like to remind the beautiful sister that a small abuse will hurt the body."

Shijiu: "..." The little abuse is happy and the abuse is hurting the body!
Looking at Ye Yuehan, her face was very calm, "I'm sorry, I received it."

Then she turned her head away from looking at him, her attitude seemed decisive, "You get out of here! From now on we... will never see each other again."

Ye Yuehan looked very painful, and his voice slowly came out, "Why... what?"

Did she not even give him the chance to meet?

Shi Jiu thought for a while and said, "You are no longer involved in my world, I have to live my own life."

"As you said, if you don't love me, I won't force you to do this kind of thing anymore. I'm just deceiving myself and others."

"If only I could have walked more casually when you mentioned the drink and broke up, I wouldn't have so many troubles."

She looked at him still very calm, "Finally got the chance to be reborn, let the past pass, and I don't want to remember it anymore."

Her tone paused, "Ye Yuehan, I let go, you are free."

He suddenly panicked, "Xi'er, can you really not give me another chance?"

He didn't believe that she would forget their past.

She must be lying to him!
Shi Jiu looked closely at him, "We've had nothing to do with each other for a long time, haven't we?"

Ye Yuehan looked at the clear look in her eyes, as if she had let go of all the past, he remained silent.

Shi Jiu pursed his mouth into a straight line, glanced at him, and finally left here.

Ye Yuehan, who was alone, looked at the person who was drifting away, meditating quietly.


That night, Ye Yuehan drank wine.

After returning from the Demon Realm, he locked himself in the room and drank a lot of wine, and never came out.

It was ten o'clock at night.

The candles in the room were brightly lit, and Ye Yuehan kept gulping wine into his mouth, lying motionless on the table while drinking.

Wine bottles were scattered all around him, and the table was in a mess. A bottle of wine jug had been poured down, and the wine in it had also flowed to the end, dripping a few drops of wine from time to time.

The surroundings were quiet, and Ye Yuehan, who was lying on the table, suddenly lay on his back on the ground, his eyes were open, and there was no hint of drunkenness in them.

If anyone saw his appearance at this time, he would be speechless in surprise.

Who would have thought that Ye Yuehan, who was so high above and as cold as ice, would have such a side.

Ye Yuehan still held the wine bottle in his hand, lifted it up and poured it into his mouth.

He thought that as long as he drank, he would not think about it anymore, but with his ability, the wine could not numb him, and his mind still returned to what Xi'er said to him.

He closed his eyes and lay on the ground decadently.

Xi'er... Xi'er...

He was really wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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