The villain boss is my family

Chapter 372 God, please let me go!

Chapter 372 God, please let me go! (46)


Shi Jiu struggled fiercely again, as if he hated him enough, wishing to tear him apart.

But the other party still didn't give her a chance to break free, but imprisoned her even tighter.

Ye Yue hugged the person in her arms tightly, "Just give me a few minutes, and I can explain to you what happened that time."

Shijiu: "..."

"I don't want to hear it, let me go!"

Seeing her so stubborn, Ye Yuehan couldn't help turning cold, "Xi'er!"

Shi Jiu was taken aback by surprise, her face was so dark that she dared to yell at her!
Does he look like he's admitting his mistake?

Immediately, the drama of the woman abandoned by the heartless man, and the heartbreaker hating the heartless man to the end is performed.

She said with a cold face, "Ye Yuehan, I don't want to hear any explanation from you. We can't do it anymore, and even an explanation can't save us! Hurt is hurt, so let me go!"

Ye Yuehan frowned, and was immediately at a loss for words, how could Xi'er be so stubborn, she didn't even want to listen to any explanation.

He said cheekily, "Don't let it go, unless you listen to my explanation."

Scoundrel it's not!
Shi Jiu was very angry, "Ye Yuehan!"

The man's voice responded to her softly, "Xi'er, I'm here."

Shi Jiu suddenly felt as if he had punched cotton, and there was nothing he could do about it.

She used a negotiating tone: "Ye Yuehan, can you let me go first?"

"Xi'er, I will still say what I just said, unless you listen to my explanation..."

Shi Jiu: "..." Where is your coldness?
Struggling back and forth several times, panting for breath, she completely gave up struggling, and finally stopped making trouble, and she was the one who got tired after making trouble.

She pursed her lips, "I'll give you three minutes."

Ye Yuehan smiled in satisfaction, as long as she could listen to his explanation, it would be fine.

So, the man explained, Shi Jiu chose to listen quietly.

After a long time, after Ye Yuehan finished explaining, Shi Jiu in his arms pushed her away instantly, is the explanation finished? "

After a long time, Ye Yuehan hummed softly,
He looked a little nervous, "Xi'er, you..."

Will Xi'er forgive him?
Shi Jiu shook his head, "I still won't forgive you."

He pursed his lips, "I'm protecting you and don't want you to be hurt. I have no choice but to..."

Shi Jiu interrupted him directly with an angry face, "Enough! You don't want to hurt me? That would hurt me! Do you know that when you broke up and said you don't love me, my whole world It's all gone, and everything is meaningless!"

If this is his protection, she would rather choose not to, it's too painful.

The sad emotion in her heart lingered for a long time, as if the scene tens of thousands of years ago kept repeating in her mind.

She had a look of grief and indignation, "Don't pretend it's for my own good. If you had told me back then, we wouldn't be what we are now. At least we could choose to face it together, but you didn't. All these things are hidden look at me, do you think I'll feel good? You're wrong! Big mistake!"

It seemed that it was something deep in her heart, and she said it all at once.

Ye Yuehan felt very uncomfortable.

Shi Jiu raised his head, and looked at him with eyes as calm as water, "Ye Yuehan, I won't forgive you, just because I don't hate doesn't mean I can forgive you."

"That's it, don't come looking for me anymore."


Ye Yuehan watched her figure disappear, and didn't catch up immediately. He clasped his hands and stood there silently, at a loss.

What should he do now.

Suddenly, his face darkened, and he looked towards the hidden place aside, "Come out!"

It was Lian Mo who walked out from there, and he listened to their conversation just now.

He smiled, "Ye Yuehan, I didn't expect you to have today."

(End of this chapter)

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