The villain boss is my family

Chapter 377 God, please let me go!

Chapter 377 God, please let me go! (51)

Finally, he saw a barely passable person in the crowd, and felt a little bit of comfort in his heart.

After a while, the banquet started slowly. Seeing that everyone was almost there, the devil's hearty voice resounded in the devil's palace, "Today's banquet has two purposes. One is to congratulate the Lord's daughter on her return to the devil world. The other is to choose a man who is suitable to be her husband, of course, this also needs to be liked by my daughter."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion among the people below.

"I heard that the Princess of the Demon Realm is very beautiful. I don't know if it's true?"

Someone who had seen Ji Yuexi's face tens of thousands of years ago said, "Of course it's true. I met once tens of thousands of years ago. Can't stop."

"Tens of thousands of years ago?"

"Yeah, she was with Junshang tens of thousands of years ago! But in the end, the princess of the devil world disappeared for some reason. I never thought I would have the chance to see her again today."

The Demon King asked people to go down and invite his daughter to come over.

After a while, under the expectant eyes of everyone, Shi Jiu's slender figure and beautiful face suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone present gasped.

What a beautiful person!

More beautiful than fairies in the heavens!

This also makes everyone hang down.

Shi Jiu frowned when he came out, seeing such a grand scene, he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Is this to recruit a son-in-law?
Her father is really capable of tossing around.

However, if he likes to toss, let him toss!
After sitting down, Ji Wuqing held a wine glass in his hand and said with a smile on his face, "Xi'er, in order to make you forget Ye Yuehan, Dad really went all out."

Shi Jiu gave him a hard look, and passed the wine glass in his hand to his mouth, "Drink your wine well."

Such a thing, can it be his turn to laugh at her?
Ji Wuqing laughed softly, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Shi Jiu's gaze indifferently swept around all the people present.

It seemed that Ye Yuehan hadn't come, and with his temperament, it was impossible not to come.

"Xi'er, are you looking for Ye Yuehan?"

As if she was right, she raised her eyes to look at Ji Wuqing without guilt at all, her tone was as flat as she wanted, "Do I look like someone looking for him?"

Seeing her feeling that there is no silver 300 taels here, Ji Wuqing smiled silently, doesn't he know what Xi'er is thinking?
He didn't poke her face to face, to save her momentary embarrassment.

He poured a glass of wine and drank the wine in the glass.

Afterwards, he kindly explained, "Even if he comes, it's useless, there is a net outside, as long as Ye Yuehan comes, the ambush outside is enough for him to drink a pot, and the banquet will be about the same it's over."

After listening to what he said, Shi Jiu's face was as calm as water, but there was a flash of worry in his eyes that he would betray her.

She picked up the wine glass and took a sip lightly, her tone was a little careless, "Really?"

But with Ye Yuehan's ability, it didn't seem to be difficult, and she didn't have to worry about it at all.

After more than half of the banquet, Shi Jiu looked at his father, and the selected "sons-in-law" whom he was satisfied with had headaches on their faces.

He is satisfied with her but not necessarily satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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