The villain boss is my family

Chapter 385 God, please let me go!

Chapter 385 God, please let me go! (59)

Everyone covered the dazzling light with their hands, and some closed their eyes in fear of seeing that scene.

Qing Yao who was standing beside him watched helplessly as the thunder struck down like that.

She shouted, "Master——!"


Ye Yuehan curled his lips slightly as he looked at the thunder, and directly resisted the thunder with his body without using any divine power.


The sky thunder exploded everywhere, around it.It exploded into a huge light ball, and all the people present resisted the aftermath of the thunder that day.

Before everyone could recover, the second thunder struck again.


Ye Yuehan just let out a muffled snort, but still carried the thunder forcefully.

Lian Mo, who was watching not far away, couldn't help it.The corners of her lips curled up, Ye Yuehan might die under the thunder this time.

These sky thunders exist after the formation of the rules of heaven and earth, no one can stop them, the power of this sky thunder.

If you successfully cross the tribulation, your strength will be correspondingly strong, but if you can't resist, even if you are the son of heaven, you will be wiped out. Even if you don't need divine power to stop you like Ye Yuehan, you won't be able to hold on for long.

So far, no one has been able to survive the one hundred and eight thunderstorms.

He just waited to see how Ye Yuehan died in pain little by little.

In this way, Xi'er will accept him.

After the calm was restored for a while and the thick smoke dispersed, everyone's eyes turned to Ye Yuehan.

I saw that the clothes on his body had been damaged, and there were scorched marks on his white clothes, and Ye Yuehan's face was a little embarrassed.

Maybe it's because he has an indestructible body, the two thunderbolts didn't have any effect on him just now, he still stood there calmly and steadily.

Tiandao couldn't help but show up directly.

The sky turned into a ball of golden light, and in front of Ye Yuehan stood a Heavenly Dao that no one had ever seen.

The extraordinary figure of Tian Dao was imprinted in the eyes of everyone, and they couldn't help thinking to themselves, it turned out that Tian Daochang looked like this.

Tiandao's face that somewhat resembled Ye Yuehan was annoyed, "What the hell are you trying to do!"

This son, he really can't figure out his mind.

He didn't expect that they would turn against each other because of a woman.

Ye Yuehan just glanced at him lightly, then looked towards the place where the thunder struck just now, "Come again."

Tiandao looked at his unafraid appearance and directly turned black, "What's so good about that woman! It's worth you to do this!"

Everyone could hear from his tone that his anger had reached its peak.

When Ye Yuehan thought of Hill's appearance in his mind, his expression was not as indifferent as before, "Xi'er, she is good."

Tiandao was too angry to speak.

If I had known earlier, he would have killed that woman immediately.


The third and fourth thunders struck down fiercely.

Fifth way.

Sixth way.


Demon world.

The Demon Lord looked at the place covered with dark clouds in the sky, and his heart sank.

He had seen such a scene before Xi'er lost her soul, and he knew it was Tianlei.

That kid Ye Yuehan is really brave!

Afterwards, he sighed for a long time, wondering if Xi'er would...


Shijiu's residence.

A fairy from the heavenly world found this place in a hurry with a lot of injuries on his body.

Looking at the clothes belonging to the heavenly realm, Shi Jiu thought that something must have happened, otherwise he wouldn't have broken into the demon realm for no reason.


Her hands clenched tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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