The villain boss is my family

Chapter 415 What kind of cutie is today?

Chapter 415 What kind of cutie is today? (26)

At this time, a small figure huddled in the corner of the second floor.

Cheng Lin, who was squatting inside, was in a dazed state, with a strange and frightened look on her face.

Just now she suddenly grew up!

Is she a monster?
What exactly is going on?


The sound of the door opening.

Hearing someone walking in, Cheng Lin hugged herself tightly in fear, and buried her head between her hands.

Looking at the pitch-black inside, Xing Yan turned on the light, he collected himself, and walked in.
The scene just now really frightened him, Xiao Linlin grew into a young girl.

He looked around for the little figure, "Xiao Linlin? Where are you?"

After searching for a while, he saw Cheng Lin in a corner, and found that she had changed back to her original appearance. At this moment, she was squatting quietly in the corner.

He stood in front of her, "Little Linlin?"

Cheng Lin raised her head, and said sullenly, "I... am I a monster?"

Xing Yan sighed, he knelt down and reached out to touch her head, "Little Linlin, how can you say that about yourself?
"You're not a monster, you're just..."

He recalled the scene just now, it seemed that it just got bigger, and there was nothing unusual about the rest.

"You just grew up and became like an adult."

Cheng Lin's eyes flickered, she looked at him, "Is that true?"

Xing Yan nodded, "Yes."

It seems that this matter is related to Xiao Linlin's life experience, but she has lost her memory and forgot everything in the past.

Is the previous appearance Xiao Linlin's appearance when she grows up?
He had to investigate this matter carefully.

Cheng Yu frowned, "Dad...Brother Yan, why did I suddenly become like that?"

How did she manage to look like an adult?
Regarding this question, Xing Yan seriously recalled what happened just now.

She didn't seem to do anything unusual, and in the end, Xiao Linlin just kissed him before leaving.

He had a flash of inspiration, could it be that kiss?

Xing Yan squinted her eyes, thinking that there might be something wrong with that kiss, otherwise how could it have become like this.

He was silent for a while, thought about it in his heart, and finally did not answer her question.

Afterwards, he continued, "No one can tell about Xiao Linlin, did you hear that?"

Cheng Lin nodded obediently.

"Hey, go to bed first."

"Brother Yan, you accompany me, I am afraid alone."

He watched his hand being held by her, so he stayed and watched her fall asleep before leaving.


Mu Lei, who was rushing back, looked at the congested road in front of him, glanced at the time on his watch, and punched the steering wheel anxiously, cursing inwardly, fearing that he might not be able to make it back to Mu's house in time.

If this happens now, the consequences will be disastrous. Will he be thought to have died suddenly in the car?

Thinking of his face is a bit ugly.

He glanced ahead and got a gap, and he overtook the car in front of him.

Seeing him like this, a car next to him stretched out his head and cursed: "You are crazy! You are dying!"

Seeing that the other party's yelling hadn't stopped, Mu Lei opened the car window and looked over coldly.

Seeing his terrified expression, the other party immediately shut up.

Mu Lei finally drove and found a hotel nearby to stay.

As soon as he entered the door with his front foot, he fell on the carpet with his back foot, and he lost consciousness instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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