The villain boss is my family

Chapter 420 What kind of cutie is today?

Chapter 420 What kind of cutie is today? (31)

Cheng Lin kept tugging her hands, her expression looked complicated, "Yaoyao, I actually don't know how I became like that."

She looked up at Shi Jiu, "Yaoyao, you are my best friend, I don't want to hide this matter from you, so don't be afraid of me, can you?"

Shi Jiu smiled frankly, she is so silly and cute.

She shook her head, "I'm not afraid."

Compared with what she said, what she has seen is nothing to be afraid of, and it is not something that can make her afraid at all.

Her tone paused, "Little Linlin, you said before that you forgot everything, right?"

Cheng Lin was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Well, I heard from Brother Yan that I had a car accident at that time, and he sent me to the hospital, and later, I was adopted by him."

Shi Jiu blinked, it seems that Xiao Linlin's life experience still needs to be investigated.

"Yaoyao, can you accept me as your friend like this?"

Hearing the unconfident words, she chuckled, "Little Linlin, aren't you my friend now?"

The originally dazed eyes slowly focused, and Cheng Lin smiled slowly, "Yaoyao, thank you."

Shi Jiu looked at her with a smile, and finally smiled silently.


M Moser Group, President's Office.

In front of Mu Lei is an unopened file bag, which is the information he asked to check, and it contains all the previous documents of Lu Yao.

He opened the document, and what came into view was a photo. The girl in the photo smiled sweetly, with crooked eyes, exuding a youthful atmosphere.

Looking at that strange yet familiar face, he knew that it was Lu Yao, who was 18 years old.

After consulting the following information, his brows were slowly furrowed.

Judging from the information above, he didn't find anything suspicious. After arriving, she disappeared from the public's sight, and no one knew where she went.

This is strange, why did she look like a five-year-old kid?
He closed his eyes and meditated, sorting out some of the memories in his mind.

Suddenly, he remembered his week in the orphanage.

Hearing what she said about the taboos of the Lu family, could this be the reason he was looking for?
What secrets will the Lu family have that the world does not know?
Mu Lei raised his eyes and had a flash of inspiration. He felt that it was still necessary for him to find Master Chen again and ask him about it. Besides, he felt that he should know the reason of the matter.


When Shijiu returned to Mu's house, he saw Mu Lei who had already returned, holding a document in his hand and looking at it seriously.

Hearing the movement, he raised his eyes abruptly, and said in a slightly flat tone, "Yaoyao, are you back?"

She chuckled, "Brother Mu, are you back so early today?"

It seems that that time must have made him hard to remember.

Is it true that those who know current affairs are heroes?

Mu Lei stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, with a helpless look on his face, the little girl is not easy to mess with.

He moved the corner of his mouth, "Yaoyao, brother Mu will come back to accompany you in the future."

He clearly remembered how she treated him crazily when he didn't come back last time.

Anyway, in the end, he was the one who suffered the most, and he was also the one who suffered, so he should be sensible.

Shi Jiu came over and stood in front of him, she smiled softly, "Brother Mu, of course it would be best if you could come back to accompany me."

Mu Lei's eyes fell on her, and then, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

The little girl finally smiled so happily.

(End of this chapter)

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