The villain boss is my family

Chapter 437 What kind of cutie is today?

Chapter 437 What kind of cutie is today? (48)

Shi Jiu, who was listening carefully, couldn't help laughing, Xiao Linlin was in love.

While chatting, Cheng Lin's face turned red, "Yaoyao, do you think I...have... fallen in love with her."

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Does this still need to be said?"

Cheng Lin wrinkled her small face, her expression was a little troubled, and her tone was a little self-defeating, "But, what if people don't like me? Besides, I still look like this now."

"If it were me, it would be hard for me to like the way I am now."

Shi Jiu held her hand, somewhat disapproving of what she said, could it be that this appearance is not worthy of love?

She stood up, "Little Linlin, it's wrong for you to say that"

"What's wrong with this look now? Love is free. If you like him, that's your business. As for whether he likes you or not, that's his business."

"If you don't fight for this, what if you succeed? If he really doesn't like you and it's not suitable, then let's change. There are so many men, and there are many three-legged men!"

Cheng Lin seemed to be shaken by what she said, and she must be very conflicted in her heart as she kept pulling her clothes with her fingers.

Shi Jiu looked at her calmly, and then said lightly: "Besides, we don't have much time. If we don't fight for it, maybe..."

She has already said what needs to be said, and the rest is up to her. She has to learn to fight for it by herself.

Cheng Lin suddenly raised her head to look at her, and nodded seriously

Afterwards, she showed a happy smile, "Yaoyao, I understand, I will try my best to fight for it, if she doesn't like me, find someone else to like me."

Shi Jiu smiled and looked at her quietly.

Afterwards, she told Cheng Lin many ways, how to attack the opponent.

Cheng Lin's eyes lit up when she heard what she said.

In short, the two laughed very wickedly.

The two men downstairs suddenly felt a chill.

Mu Lei suddenly felt that his back was cold, and he couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Xing Yan couldn't help rubbing her arms, "Why do you feel so cold all of a sudden, is the air conditioner turned on here?"

Hearing his question, Mu Lei replied calmly: "No, it's because you feel wrong."

The little girl must have thought of some way to punish him again.

At the same time as he thought of something, the color in his eyes deepened, and he looked at Xing Yan with his dark eyes, and said meaningfully, "You are finished."

The stubborn Xing Yan: "???"

Mu Lei's words made Xing Yan puzzled.

Where is he finished?
Why is he finished?
He licked his face and approached, "Can you tell me carefully? How about I invest more than ten million in your company later?"

He will definitely not refuse the temptation to run down.

However, it was a little different from what he thought.

Mu Lei didn't even look over at him, he coldly rejected him, "Not interested."

Does he seem to be short of tens of millions of people?
He took a sip of water calmly, then leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Seeing his "I don't want to talk to you at all" gesture, Xing Yan almost couldn't get up, and the topic finally came to an end.

Shi Jiu told Cheng Lin all his "experiences", and finally the two laughed.

Putting aside what happened just now, Cheng Lin's face was full of worry, "Yaoyao, you have to work hard!"

Knowing what he was talking about, Shi Jiu gave a big smile, "Success is allowed and failure is not allowed."

Her tone paused, "Little Linlin, you too."

Cheng Lin let out a "hmm".

(End of this chapter)

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