The villain boss is my family

Chapter 443 What kind of cutie is today?

Chapter 443 What kind of cutie is today? (54)

She turned her head and looked at him with a slight smile, "Is what you said true?"

Being looked at by her like this, Mu Lei suddenly became a little nervous.

Finally, he nodded his head and gave a "hmm".

Shi Jiu asked him, "When did it start?"

Mu Lei was stunned, since when did he fall in love with her?
Thinking back, he probably knew she didn't look like this and began to count!

He really disliked her before, and brought her back just for his own convenience.

But after getting to know him slowly, he seemed to be stuck in it, and he also became interested in her, liking her emotions, and his heart was also undergoing silent changes, these were all things he did not expect.

He thought for a while, "Probably...when I knew you were Lu Yao!"

His feelings for her have changed since that time!
Shi Jiu raised her eyebrows, she pointed at her current appearance, "You will like me like this? Don't you dislike me?"

Don't you think it's ridiculous to say you like it to the appearance of a kid?
Mu Lei frowned, she thought he was joking?Or do you think it's impossible for him to like her?
Thinking of him walking up to her side, he lowered his head and kissed her.

Shi Jiu changed back, and she was very surprised by his sudden behavior.

"Isn't that enough?"

After changing back to this appearance, she can openly say that she likes him, and he can also accept her.

She was puzzled, "Huh?"

She didn't understand what he meant

Mu Lei looked at the petite girl in front of him, "Do you have any other concerns?"

Shi Jiu blinked and quickly figured out what he meant.

Did he change her back to show his attitude?

She shook her head, "No."

Mu Lei took a deep breath, "Can you listen to me now?"


"My feelings for you were unexpected, but I accepted them very quickly. I know what happened to you. Your joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys are constantly affecting me..."


"I think I should like you."

Shi Jiu was full of smiles, "Thank you for liking me."

She went up and hugged him, then let go, she tilted her head and stood there quietly, "I'm very happy."

Mu Lei looked at the happy girl in front of him with a smile, and a little tenderness slowly appeared in his eyes.

When his gaze caught sight of the rags on her body, his expression became strange, he retracted his gaze, and coughed softly: "Yaoyao, can you put on some clothes first...there are clothes in the closet..."

"I've changed it."

Hearing a voice behind him, he turned and looked over.

Shi Jiu was wearing his white shirt, like a child putting on an adult's clothes, but it was surprisingly suitable, and the two straight legs exposed underneath caught his attention.

There was a touch of rosiness on his face, and he no longer dared to look over.

Seeing the suspicious rosiness on his face, Shi Jiu let out a muffled laugh, why did he suddenly find him so cute.

She walked towards the balcony, stood beside him, and turned sideways, "I like you, and you like me too, can we confirm the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Mu Lei looked at her and smiled, "Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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