The villain boss is my family

Chapter 450 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 450 The Devil's Angel (2)

Hearing a lot from him, Yi's father and Yi's mother couldn't believe that their daughter was killed by a blood clan. The Taoist priest said that in order to prevent future troubles, they had to be cremated. The process was very cumbersome, so they had to hand over the matter to the Taoist priest. handle.

But what they didn't know was that the Taoist priest was just a charlatan who made up such a lie because he was greedy for Yi's money.

In order to send his daughter away in a beautiful way, the father and mother handed over a large amount of money to the Taoist priest, hoping that he could handle the matter decently.

But after the Taoist priest got the money, he just found a random person in private and asked him to drag Yi Yunxi to a remote place and burn it casually.

What no one knew was that Yi Yunxi had self-healing abilities since she was a child. In order to prevent others from knowing that she was a strange existence, she kept it a secret. Even Yi's father and mother didn't know about it.

Yi Yunxi didn't really die at the time, but was in a state of self-healing at the time, which was the same as death, and people thought she was dead, so Yi Yunxi was judged to be dead.

Shijiu: "..."

She blinked, this body actually has the ability to heal itself, and the origin of the original owner is still a mystery.

At this time, the car was still bumping all the way, and it was [-]% uncomfortable when bumping, and my stomach was overwhelmed.

She opened the remaining lid of the coffin, half lying on the inside of the coffin with great effort.

The wheel suddenly hit a big rock, the car vibrated violently, Shi Jiu's whole body turned out of the coffin and fell out of the car.

The place where she fell happened to be a downhill road, so she rolled all the way down.

She cursed secretly, then her eyes darkened and she fell unconscious.


Finally, the car arrived at its destination, and the car was parked in a remote place.

The big man jumped out of the car, and because he drank too much wine, he jumped off and fell directly to the ground, and the wine bottle was thrown out of his hand.

He got up staggeringly, took a pee after standing firmly, and then slowly came to the rear of the car, probably drunk and cowardly, he chanted a few words of good luck and climbed up .

He found that the coffin was empty, and he sobered up instantly.

Where did Miss Yi go?
A gust of cold wind blew by, and he shivered. Seeing the darkness around him, he became frightened and his legs trembled.

He swallowed his saliva, and prayed everywhere, "The injustice...the injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner...Miss Yi, your body is gone. It's not my fault. I'm just a soy saucer. I hope you live well Rest in peace, I will burn more paper money for you when I go"

On a tree not far away.

A black figure stood on it, "Wang said that there are some things that you should choose for yourself, and reject all that are not suitable. This human's blood is too dirty, I can't drink it."

In short, his heart refused.

After thinking about it, he suddenly had a bad taste, with a wicked smile on his face, "However, it's okay to scare him."

The figure "whoosh" suddenly came to the back of the big man, looking at the fat body in front, their vampires have a very sensitive sense of smell, and immediately smelled the smell of wine and sweat on his body.

The big man in front spoke a lot tremblingly, and when he turned around, he saw a black figure with pointed fangs and a terrifying face.

He screamed "Ah".

Then, he yelled: "Ghost!"

In the end, my heart overloaded and I was frightened to death.

"It's really scary." Heiying looked at the people on the ground with disgust.

Then, it disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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