The villain boss is my family

Chapter 455 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 455 The Devil's Angel (7)

Lu Xiu couldn't figure out what he was talking about, his expression turned cold, and the surrounding air seemed to be frozen, "Arthur, did you go out hunting without authorization again?"

As if he had been hit by the rumor, he eagerly denied it with embarrassment: "Wang, who did you listen to? This matter is purely slanderous, and it is not true at all."

Hearing what he said, Lu Xiu felt in his heart that he was covering up, and he became more convinced of his crime.

He snorted coldly, "Is there something you don't know in your heart?"

Half of Arthur's high-spirited breath just now disappeared, and he quickly explained, "King, I swear that I was wronged, and I did not violate your will."

At most he just went out to play, he really didn't do anything else!

Unable to bear the cold gaze that could freeze him, he admitted it bravely.

"Wang, I just went out for a stroll, and I didn't do anything out of the ordinary."

Lu Xiu gave him a cold look, and didn't speak again.

Arthur suddenly felt a lot of pressure, drooling and not knowing what to do next.

At the moment when the two were silent, he suddenly remembered the purpose of coming here, and Arthur said with a smile, "Wang, on the way back, I picked up a top-quality one. I plan to give her to the king as a gift, and I will protect the king." To be able to love this gift."

Lu Xiu didn't seem to hear him, he didn't pay attention to him at all, and didn't even give him a look.

When Arthur saw their aloof king, he seemed unmoved by what he said, and rushed outside regardless. It took only a few seconds to go back and forth, and there was an extra person on his hand.

Shi Jiu was carried here by him like this.

After untying her body, Arthur said, "Come in later when I tell you to come in."

"If you dare to run, you will be sucked into sex soon, don't blame me for not reminding you."

After speaking, he went in again.

Shi Jiu began to look around at the surrounding environment. On the way here just now, Arthur was muttering, saying that he would bring her to meet their king.

She squinted her eyes, could this be the place where the supreme ruler of the blood race stayed?
She licked her dry lips, with unknown excitement in her eyes
The king of the blood clan?

Just hearing this identity makes the blood boil.

Feeling her excitement, she reminded him naively and kindly, "Beauty sister, don't get too excited. When you go in later, you have to be careful, because the king inside is the villain of the plane. Turn you into a human vampire."

Shijiu: "..."

Lu Xiu quickly noticed a strange aura around him, and it was a human aura, which seemed a little familiar.

He showed displeasure and frowned slightly, "Arthur, what are you up to?"

He actually brought back a human.

After Arthur came back, he stood in front of him all of a sudden, "King, I didn't make any tricks. She is my gift to the king."

"Actually, this can also be said to be a surprise and an accident."


Lu Xiu frowned, and Surprise Mom was just an ordinary human being.

Arthur yelled, "Come in!"

Hearing the voice inside, Shi Jiu lifted his foot and walked in.

After entering, she saw the tall and straight figure, with a flash of surprise in her eyes.

Lu Xiu raised his eyes suddenly, and when he saw the human coming in, he felt that familiar smell became more and more obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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