The villain boss is my family

Chapter 467 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 467 The Devil's Angel (19)

Yi's mother suddenly burst into tears, crying uncontrollably, "If it's not a vampire...then my Yunxi, she...what the hell is she..."

Yi's father quickly hugged the excited Yi's mother.

"Zhengguo, who did you say killed Yunxi? Who killed my Yunxi so cruelly? We have never had any grudges against others...Why did he treat our Yunxi like this... ..."

When Yi's father heard what she said, his eyes quickly turned red, and he said in a calm voice, "Madam, don't worry, I will definitely send someone to investigate this matter..."

Mother Yi sniffed, "We must find out, we must bring the murderer who killed Yun Xi to justice, and give us Yun Xi justice."


A few more days passed.

Werther came in with food, "Miss Yunxi, it's time for dinner."

She puts the food on the table.

Shi Jiu frowned when he saw that the food she brought in was the same dishes as last time.

She has already vomited from these dishes, so can't she change a few dishes?
Seeing that she hadn't moved her chopsticks for a long time, Werther was a little puzzled, "Miss Yunxi, what's wrong with you?"

Shijiu didn't answer her.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

She lowered her eyes and shook her head, "The food is not to my liking."

Werther was stunned for a moment when he heard what she said, and looked down at the table of food.

These meals look delicious just by looking at them!
Shi Jiu pointed to those meals, raised his head to look at her, and then stretched out five fingers, "I have eaten these meals repeatedly for five days."

It's been five days.

Come again today!

It was okay to eat repeatedly on the second day, but what she ate on the third, fourth, and fifth days made her doubt her life.

Werther, who didn't understand, asked after a long time: "... Isn't it good to repeat?"

Shijiu: "..."

This silly girl, how could she explain it to her?

She looked at Werther, "Where is your king? I want to see him."

Werther was a little surprised, this was the first time she heard her asking to see the king, and she was asked to mention less about the king on weekdays.

She was puzzled, why did Miss Yun Xi want to see Wang?
Shi Jiu looked at her leisurely, "Can you take me to see him?"

"This... I have to report to the king."

"Then trouble you."

Werther hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, "Miss Yunxi, I will definitely convey your words to the king."

Looking at the people leaving, she was silent for a while.

Here, she is struggling, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, silently waiting for the butcher to be slaughtered, this feeling is really bad.

She wants to get out of here.

But it seems hard to get out of here.


the next day.

Werther's work efficiency is also quite high. At this moment, she brought Shi Jiu to Lu Xiu's palace.

Outside the gate of the palace, two people stopped.

Shi Jiu was puzzled, "Weir, won't you go in with me?"

Werther shook her head, and she reached out her hand to signal inside, "Miss Yunxi, Wang is waiting inside, you just go in."

Looking at the people who left, she curled her lips.

If that man is a beast and becomes sexually aggressive, wouldn't she be in danger?
But the desire to go back in her heart became stronger and stronger, so she walked in.

When Lu Xiu saw her coming, the movement of his hands stopped, and he said slowly: "Why did you come to me?"

Normally, she should not want to see him at all.

Shi Jiu looked up at the man in front of him, and said firmly, "I want to go home, I want to leave here."

(End of this chapter)

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