The villain boss is my family

Chapter 473 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 473 The Devil's Angel (25)

the next day.

On the day of the parade, the door of the Black Academy was open, and many non-human beings came. The purpose was to visit and communicate, and secretly win over some capable people and strangers.

At this moment, Eggers was standing at the gate of the academy, and the look in her eyes was very smug.

As long as that human agrees to come here, then this academy is where she will be buried.

There was a curve on her beautiful face.

Immediately, she lifted her foot and walked inside.


on the corridor.

Witt looked at Shijiu in front of him and warned: "Miss Yunxi, if you go inside for a while, try not to talk, try not to touch them, because they are very sensitive to human breath..."

Why isn't Lord Arthur here yet?
When Shi Jiu heard Werther behind him still talking non-stop, her feet stopped.

She looked helpless, "Witt, I know you are worried about me, but you have said this no less than ten times, I have written it down, I will pay attention, don't worry..."

Werther looked worried, "But, Miss Yunxi... you are a human after all, and it is really too dangerous inside... Can we not go to this black academy?"

"This has been promised to others, and it cannot be changed."

At this time, Arthur appeared in front of them at the right time, and Werther was instantly relieved when he saw him appear.

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows, why did he come here?
Arthur smiled, "I heard that you are going to visit the Black Academy. It just so happens that I'm going there too."

She glanced at him, and she didn't believe what he said.

A man must have sent him here.

She folded her hands, "Did your king send you here?"

Arthur nodded, "The king is worried."

The corner of Shi Jiu's mouth curled up in a sneering arc, good one, don't worry.

She believed him a ghost!
It's not because she's afraid that her delicious mobile blood bank will be sucked dry by others.

She glanced at him with a faint smile, "Go back and thank you king for me."

Arthur looked at her with some embarrassment, and coughed lightly. This human really guessed the king's thoughts thoroughly.

Then, he looked at Werther and said, "Leave this to me."

Witt nodded, "Yes, Lord Arthur."

She looked at Shi Jiu, and still said uneasy, "Miss Yun Xi, you..."

Before she could say it, Shi Jiu hurriedly took her words, "I know, you must be careful."

After saying goodbye to Werther, she and Arthur left.


half an hour.

Shi Jiu looked at the ancient and gloomy building in front of her, and a cool wind blew inside, she immediately felt a little creepy.

"This is the Black Academy?"

The lazy Arthur nodded slightly, "If you regret it, there is still time."

Shi Jiu was too lazy to listen to him, so he walked in directly.

Looking at the people who had already entered, he chuckled, this human being is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

The danger inside is very great for her.

He didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed.

As soon as Shi Jiu entered inside, the ethnic groups in the academy stopped communicating one after another.

Because they smelled a strange breath.

They knew that it was the breath that only belonged to human beings.

Suddenly, a cry broke out from the crowd: "Human! She's human! She's human!"

Others who were bewildered also became agitated.

"It's so... so fragrant!"

"Is this the smell of humans? The taste is really wonderful!"

(End of this chapter)

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