The villain boss is my family

Chapter 476 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 476 The Devil's Angel (28)

She raised her eyebrows with a smile, "Is that so? Your opinion is really unique."

Then, she looked at Eggers meaningfully, "I'm just a mere human being. If I really want to say it seriously, my value is nothing more than being able to provide fresh blood for your king, and that's all."

"Here, human life is not worth mentioning, is it?"

Eggers withdrew the gloomy look that flashed past in his eyes, and smiled slightly, "Maybe it's just like what you said."

Gretel seemed to be attracted by Shi Jiu, his eyes were full of interest.

Unexpectedly, this human being has such an ability to cope.

This human being really surprised him!

Interesting human being, he suddenly didn't want her to die so quickly.

Arthur on the side looked a little gloomy. He really didn't want to see Gretel at all. Thinking that he had hurt the king, he had the urge to clean him up.

He looked at Eggers, and said impatiently: "Didn't you say you want to visit here?"

Eggers nodded quickly, "Yes, that's right, if you don't mind, I'll take you in for a tour."

Arthur nodded and looked at Gretel, "Let's go first."

The three left together.

Gretel looked at them with a contemptuous smile, and left in the other direction.


Shi Jiu followed Eggers into the interior of the academy, while Arthur followed them without saying a word.

As soon as they entered, the expressions of the people inside changed like those outside.

But when they saw Sir Arthur and Eggers who were following the human being, the pace of rushing up was abruptly stopped.

Their gazes looked at Shi Jiu greedily, and they all showed a look of hunger and thirst.

"It smells so good! It's so delicious!"

Some people were amazed by Shijiu's appearance, and even compared Mr. Eggers next to him.

"That human is really beautiful! She looks as beautiful as an angel!"

When Eggers heard someone praise this human being, the smile on his face froze, his eyes looked like Shi Jiu's, and the jealous look was suppressed by her eyes.

After a while, the people inside were curious and puzzled, "However, isn't human beings allowed to enter here? How did she come in here?"

"My brother outside told me just now that this human being was arranged by the king to test us here."

The Strigoi showed a disappointed expression, he couldn't help doubting in his heart, and asked with some uncertainty: "Is this true?"

"It can be false, my brother heard from Lord Arthur himself."


Shi Jiu stood between the two of them, looking well protected.

Eggers on the side introduced: "This black college is a noble school here, and many people want to come in because of their brains..."

While looking at the surrounding environment, Shi Jiu nodded perfunctorily.

What she said Werther had already introduced to her.

Unknowingly, Eggers was already ahead of them, as if he had no intention of waiting for them.

Shijiu was not in a hurry, and deliberately slowed down her pace. She looked at Arthur next to her and asked, "Didn't you say that there is still a group of angels? What about them?"

Just as they were about to walk to the end of the corridor, there was a commotion behind them, which was almost a female scream.

"Ahhh! Here they come!"

Arthur paused, turned his head and raised his eyebrows, "The angels you want, they are here."

Listening to his words, Shi Jiu quickly looked over there.

(End of this chapter)

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