The villain boss is my family

Chapter 484 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 484 The Devil's Angel (36)

Afterwards, she wondered, "Yun Xi, when we found you, you were already... What's going on now?"

This is incredible.

Shi Jiu didn't know how to answer, so he looked towards Lu Xiu.

Received her eyes asking for help, Lu Xiuyun explained calmly: "When I picked her up, I found that she was in a state of suspended animation. Fortunately, my ancestors used the secret technique to pull Yunxi away from the gate of hell. return……"

This answer is self-evident, and it is enough to dispel doubts.

Mother Yi nodded, it turned out to be the case.

Then, she couldn't help feeling a little bit of fear in her heart, but at the same time she was grateful.

If the fake Taoist priest who rushed out halfway, perhaps Yun Xi would not survive, and she would never see Yun Xi again.

"Yun Xi, you have to treat people well in the future, do you hear me?"

Shijiu: "..."

She nodded awkwardly.

The little golden retriever at the back became agitated again, and it yelled at Lu Xiu a few times as if unwilling to admit defeat, as if it wanted to get him out of here.

Seeing this, Mother Yi immediately turned around and scolded a few times, and stepped up to stop it from such impolite behavior.

The little golden retriever drove away, she looked at Lu Xiu with a bit of embarrassment and said, "Sixi is very obedient and docile on weekdays, but today I don't know what's wrong, so unfriendly..."

Shi Jiu glanced at Lu Xiu and sneered coldly, even a dog doesn't want to see him, the dog's fate is so bad.

Lu Xiu glanced back with cold eyes, as if warning her not to look at him with that kind of disdainful eyes.

She snorted softly, then chuckled, "Mom, maybe it thinks we're strangers, maybe it will get better after getting to know each other for a long time."

Hearing that, Mother Yi nodded,

That's right, it took a long time to accept her at the beginning, so it should get to know her slowly.

Lu Xiu withdrew his gaze and nodded slightly, "I left beforehand, you guys talk slowly."

When he watched Shijiu, he said meaningfully: "I will come to you when I have time."

Then, he left the next sentence and walked out directly.

Mother Yi was taken aback by his actions, "Yun Xi, he..."

Such a cold person doesn't know how Yun Xi accepts it.

Shi Jiu glanced at the person who was leaving, and quickly explained: "Mom, don't worry about him, he's just like that."

Yi's mother blamed, "At least let him stay for a meal! What's more, he saved you."

"..." It was still her fault.

When the little golden retriever saw that the person threatening its dog's safety had left, it scurried out again, surrounded Shi Jiu's feet and kept showing its goodwill.

She knelt down and stroked its fur.

Mother Yi looked at the little golden retriever and said, "It's really strange, Lu Xiu has gone, and now he has become such a dog leg again."

After hearing what she said, Shi Jiu raised his eyes and smiled, "Maybe it's because they don't get along well."

The little golden retriever seemed to understand what she said and howled twice.


In the evening, Father Yi came back.

His expression was filled with excitement. During the phone call, his wife told her that Yunxi was back. At first he thought it was the lady who made up her mind. When he heard the voice of his precious daughter, he couldn't hold back the longing and left the company. A bunch of business here ran back.

"Yun Xi... Yun Xi..."

Yi's mother, who was arranging the meals on the dining table, smiled, "Yun Xi, your father is back."

Shi Jiu looked at the door and looked at the man standing at the door. She walked over and smiled, "Dad."

Elder Yi burst into tears, "It's really Yun Xi, you..."

"Dad is a long story, and I will tell you well."

She dragged Yi's father to the dining table, "Come on, let's sit down and eat first."

Father Yi nodded.

Afterwards, the three had their first reunion dinner after they met.

(End of this chapter)

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