The villain boss is my family

Chapter 488 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 488 The Devil's Angel (40)

Half an hour passed.

The atmosphere in the car gradually became very silent.

Lu Xiu in the back seat closed his eyes tightly, but the whole body was exuding air-conditioning, which made Shi Jiu feel more stressed when sitting next to him.

Arthur, who was driving in front, dared not speak first even if he wanted to speak, so he could only hold back.

Shi Jiuyu glanced at Lu Xiu next to him and remained silent, she blinked her eyes quietly and thought.

She thought that this man would drink her blood directly in the car, but after so long, he didn't even do it.

The man just closed his eyes and sat there quietly without saying a word since he got in the car.

She couldn't help wondering, she didn't know what this man wanted to do now.

Did he simply bring her back from the banquet?

Just when she was confused, the car stopped at the gate of Yi's mansion.

Arthur was the first to break the silence. He glanced at the building in front of him, "King, we're here."

Lu Xiu slowly opened his eyes, his scarlet pupils looked at Shi Jiu.

Seeing the familiar look in his eyes, she was stunned. It turned out that he...has been restraining the urge to suck blood?

Seeing that she hadn't gotten out of the car, the aura on the man's body changed, and his breathing became heavy.

His thin lips parted slightly, and a hoarse voice came into her ears, "Still getting out of the car?"

Shi Jiu was taken aback again, he...

Lu Xiu glanced dangerously at her neck, "You won't regret it if you don't get out of the car."

His words were obvious, if she didn't leave here again, he would show his fangs to her and immediately suck her blood.

Shi Jiu quickly got out of the car.

She watched the speeding car in silence for a moment, then walked inside.

The little golden retriever rushed over and wagged its tail happily.

Mother Yi, who heard the movement, was stunned when she saw that she had come back alone. She wondered in her heart, "Yun Xi, why did you come back alone? Didn't you go to the banquet with your father?"

Shi Jiu looked at the faint fine lines on her face and the few strands of white hair on her head, it was really timeless.

I couldn't help admiring the woman in front of me.

If it wasn't for them...

I'm afraid the original owner would have froze to death in the snow.

She explained with a smile: "Mom, this banquet is too boring, so I'll be back first, and Dad will be back later."

"So this is ah!"

Mother Yi looked at her, "Who sent you back just now?"

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Guess?"

She looked at Yi's mother who was in a daze, "Mom, I'm going upstairs first."

After throwing down a sentence, he walked up to the second floor.

"Could it be the one from yesterday..."

When Yi's mother came to her senses, she found that the person had disappeared at the stairs.

Then, she smiled slowly.


Soon after, Father Yi came back.

He scanned around, "Where's Yun Xi?"

Mother Yi came over and took the things in his hand, "Zhengguo, what happened?"

Yi's father frowned, "When did Yunxi get a boyfriend? I don't even know!"

The man looked extraordinary.

Mother Yi laughed, "So you are talking about this matter!"

"He was the one who saved Yun Xi. I've seen that young man before. He looks pretty good. Someday you have to thank him."

Yi's father snorted unhappily, he turned out to be the savior of his daughter, seeing his appearance, Yi's mother smiled secretly.


Here, Arthur was still driving the car, and a car followed them unhurriedly.

Lu Xiu sat in the back seat with a cold expression.

Arthur glanced at the rearview mirror and couldn't help but ask, "Where are we going now, Wang?"

The car that had been following them rushed to the front.

At this time, he replied lightly: "Follow the car in front."

(End of this chapter)

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