The villain boss is my family

Chapter 494 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 494 The Devil's Angel (46)

At this moment, her heart was in her throat.

Damn Gretel actually cheated her trust and took the opportunity to attack the blood clan!
She still wanted to explain something, "Wang, I..."


Eggers, who was still defending, was sent flying out at once.

She was lying on the ground coughing, leaving a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth, which seemed to be seriously injured.

Lu Xiu coldly withdrew his hand.

"Ahem, king, you..."

"The King Eggs once said that if you commit another crime, you will never be spared!"

Eggers knew he had made a mistake that angered him?
She shook her head in fear, got up and begged, "No! No! can't kill me! I was wrong! I was wrong!"

She shouldn't be obsessed and listen to Gretel!

She doesn't want to die yet!
Listening to her begging for mercy, Lu Xiu had no emotion in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to condense a ball of flames and burned it.

"Ah—the king—"

Eggers only left a scream and then disappeared.

Arthur on the side watched coldly, it was a shame to die.

Lu Xiu raised his eyes, "Arthur, pay close attention to Gretel's movements."

"And that woman's every move."

Arthur froze for a while and nodded, "Yes."



When Gretel heard that his only ally, Aigers, had been dealt with like this, he snorted coldly, "What a useless waste!"

It was resolved so quickly.

He lowered his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

That guy Lu Xiu's methods are really clean and neat, he can do everything that threatens him, he really deserves to be the king of the blood clan.

He chuckled, but so what.

He, Gretel, didn't just give up just because he said he would.

"Boss, what should we do next?"

Next step……

Gretel seemed to have thought of something, a calculation flashed in his eyes, and then he laughed softly.

It seems that it is better to start with that human being.

However, he had to figure out what the interest relationship between them was, or if there were any ulterior secrets.


Easy home.

Shi Jiu sat lazily on the sofa and stroked the hair of the little golden retriever with his hands again and again.

Since the man went back, he hasn't been seen in this period of time.

While thinking about the problem, the phone at home rang.

I saw the other side didn't speak for a long time.

She frowned, "Who are you?"

"Human, do you remember me?"

Listening to the other party's voice, Shi Jiu soon knew who he was.

Gretel, leader of the wolf tribe.

How did he find here.

"What do you want to do, if it's okay, I'll hang up first."

"Wait, human, let's meet."

Before she could answer, Gretel on the other end threatened him with a very calm tone.

"If you don't agree..."

"If something happens to your father on the way, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Then, after Gretel gave the address, he hung up the phone.

Shi Jiu squeezed the phone tightly, and his face darkened.

What will happen to this Gretel looking for her.

Afterwards, she called out the clothes for a day and walked out of the gate of Yi's house.


In a quiet coffee shop.

Gretel inside seemed to be waiting for a long time.

His appearance attracted a lot of attention in the restaurant. He looked very wild in a suit, revealing a unique temperament.

Shijiu has already arrived at this restaurant.

Before I walked in, I was stopped by a boy selling flowers.

The little boy handed a rose to her eyes, "This beautiful sister, do you want a flower?"

She raised her eyes and looked at the little boy in front of her, looking at the innocent raised eyebrows in his eyes, "How much?"

"for free."


"Because my sister is beautiful."

"How sweet mouth."

Shi Jiu smiled and took the flower in his hand, but was accidentally stabbed by the thorns on it, the wound was a bit big, and blood burst out all of a sudden.

Gretel had noticed her when she came, and kept his eyes on her.

She wiped it casually with a napkin and walked over.

After sitting down, Shi Jiu said, "What do you want from me?"

Gretel looked at her with a smile, "Don't be nervous, I just want to talk to you."

She wondered, what can he talk to her about?

She didn't think she could talk to him.

"You should just get straight to the point!"

Gretel said meaningfully: "It's about you and Lu Xiu."

Shi Jiu blinked in thought, what on earth was he trying to say.

She smiled slightly,
Looking at him generously, "What can I have with him, isn't it just the way you see it now."

"is it?"

Gretel chuckled, keeping his eyes on her face, as if she wasn't lying.

Then he swept her hand casually, his expression was slightly startled, he seemed to have understood something, and then he took it back without a trace.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Shi Jiu stood up suddenly, "I don't think you and I have time to talk about anything."

Her tone paused: "Don't involve innocent people in the matter between you."

After glancing at Gretel, he left the cafe.

Looking at the distant figure, Gretel lowered his head and took a sip of his coffee. The bitter taste made him frown slightly.

However, the corners of his lips still curved slightly.

Things get interesting.


After Shijiu left the coffee shop, while waiting for the bus, she was located in a central square, and the big screen above which originally played advertisements suddenly interrupted a piece of news.

"Just yesterday, the police discovered two vicious cases. They found two male corpses. There was almost no blood on the deceased's body. His expression looked very ferocious. There were no obvious wounds on his body, but two deep blood spots on his neck. hole, some people speculate that it was sucked to death by something..."

"What the hell is this! This is too scary."

"You said, could it be the work of vampires? Otherwise, how could you be sucked out of blood?"

Immediately after his words were spoken, other people exclaimed.

"Ah! Impossible? Don't scare us! If we really miss them, then we're doomed! If they really exist, I'm afraid it's not far from the end of the world, right?"

"Don't listen to his nonsense. It's probably just to scare us. How can there be vampires in this world? It's too fake!"

Shi Jiu, who was standing not far away, was silent. They actually attacked innocent humans. Has this day finally come?
Suddenly, a car stopped in front of her.

Watching the people in the car and finally she got in the car.

The car moved slowly.

Shi Jiu was silent for a while, and then said: "Did your people do those who died?"

Lu Xiu opened his eyes, and replied lightly: "No."

Arthur, who was driving in front, explained: "Those can't be done by us. The king once ordered the blood race not to go out and hurt innocent people at will. The blood sucked is either animal blood or blood supply bags in the hospital..."

(End of this chapter)

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