The villain boss is my family

Chapter 508 The Devil's Angel

Chapter 508 The Devil's Angel (60)

He walked over and found that the woman's face was very red, her body was shivering, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and she kept yelling words that were so painful and cold.

He went over to check her complexion, and he found that most of the blood on her body had been lost, and the wound was on the abdomen, which was a big blood hole.

The nourishing part of the organ that does not receive the blood is failing.

The erosion of the cold pool water intensified the speed of her death.

It's lucky that she can survive until this time.

Even if she has the ability to heal herself, it is impossible for her to heal herself in a short period of time, and it will take a certain amount of time.

He was in trouble for a while.

Save or not?
How to save?
Lu Xiu looked at Shi Jiu's pale face, and his mind was full of her healthy appearance. In comparison, he still liked her like that.

Lu Xiu was silent for a long time, he knew that her body couldn't wait, and if she dragged on, her life would be in danger.

He suddenly thought of a way, looked at Shi Jiu who was only breathing weakly, and said slowly, "When the time comes, don't blame me, this king is also here to save you."

He chuckled, "Even if you don't want to be my king's man this time, you can only be my king's man."


An hour passed.

Shi Jiu's face gradually became rosy, and he didn't have the life-threatening appearance before.

Lu Xiu was sitting next to her, his expression was still indifferent, if you look carefully, his expression was a little bit worse.

Shi Jiu's body was healing itself, and her whole body was glowing, covering her body.

This phenomenon made Lu Xiu narrow his eyes. This scene seemed familiar, and he had also seen it on the woman of Shengguang.

Will it be...

He was silent for a while, then suddenly chuckled.

Oh, is that the woman?



At night, the air-conditioning under the cold pool became hotter, and the surrounding temperature became very low.

Lu Xiu didn't feel anything about this change.

Shi Jiu woke up, and she sneezed.

It can be said that he was awakened by the cold.

Most of her body has recovered, but she is still unable to move, and needs to be properly cultivated.

The movement here immediately drew Lu Xiu's attention.

Shi Jiu sat up slowly, and glanced at the unfamiliar environment.

She rubbed her aching head, where is she... where?

Didn't she fall into the water with that man?

She paused, where is that man?
Immediately, her eyes went dark, and a tall figure enveloped her.

Lu Xiu looked at her calmly, "How do you feel?"

With his blood, it stands to reason that he should be fine.

Shi Jiu was stunned for a while after hearing his words.

She knew that her body was really nothing serious, and her abdomen, which had been severely injured, no longer hurt so much.

With the speed of her self-healing ability, it is impossible to recover so quickly.

Could it be that he saved her?
But what method did he use?
A slight smile appeared on her pale face, "I'm fine, thank you for saving me."

Lu Xiu stared at her for a while, it was still more obedient and obedient.

Shi Jiu glanced at the surrounding environment, "Where are we?"

"Still inside the cliff, this is a cave in the cliff."


Her stomach rumbled, and she blushed.

She said shyly, "I'm hungry... can I find something to eat?"

"I happen to be hungry too."

Shijiu: "..."

"I am a patient."

Lu Xiu glanced at him.

She pursed her lips, "So you have to let me go."

Hearing her well-founded statement, Lu Xiu chuckled, obviously amused by her.

(End of this chapter)

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