The villain boss is my family

Chapter 521 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 521 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (5)

Shi Jiu felt a little funny in her heart, she stopped washing her clothes, and the water from the faucet was still buzzing.

Her gaze landed on Lin Kexin, and she replied indifferently: "Since that's the case, then I don't need to bother you. I don't need it."

"You... Jiang Ran!"

Shi Jiu smiled, "I'm not deaf, why are you shouting so loudly?"

Does this woman like to brush her presence so much?

Lin Kexin was stunned, and looked at the person in front of him in disbelief, how could this Jiang Ran say such a thing.

After thinking about it, she felt that she must have been stimulated to say this.

She was suspicious, "Jiang Ran, are you not crazy?"

Shi Jiu continued to wash his clothes with his head down, "Thanks to you, I'm not crazy."

The more Lin Kexin thought about it, the more something was wrong, she only thought that she was really stimulated, she took a look at her and left the bathroom.

Shi Jiu cleaned the clothes and hung them in the bathroom.

Fortunately, the clothes on her body were clean, so she left the bathroom afterwards.

At this time, almost all the students had entered the classroom, Shi Jiu was walking in the corridor, and the head teacher who was walking across from her spotted her.

The head teacher is a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a mustache.

I saw the anger on his face, "Jiang Ran! What time is it now, why haven't you entered the classroom yet! Do you want to record a serious demerit again!"

This Jiang Ran is really embarrassing to him!

I don't even want to recognize her as a student!

Shi Jiu looked at the head teacher not far in front of him, squinting his eyes. This head teacher indiscriminately and directly judged that the original owner stole things, and didn't even ask about what happened, what he said.

She looked indifferent, as if she hadn't heard what he said, she still walked leisurely
Seeing this, the head teacher became even more annoyed, and his mustache turned up slightly, "Jiang Ran, are you procrastinating like a student? Class is about to start, hurry up!"

After speaking, he walked into the classroom angrily.

After Shijiu walked into the classroom.

Her appearance caught the attention of everyone in the class.

Ridiculous, contemptuous, disgusted eyes.

A female classmate laughed, "Jiang Ran, how dare you come here again? Don't you feel ashamed for doing such a thing?"

Shi Jiu smiled slightly, his eyes were invisible, and even dangerous, "Yes, I'm here!"

She said calmly: "It's not what I did. I have nothing to be ashamed of."

The female classmate was stunned when she saw her eyes. The eyes just now were so scary.

But when she looked again, she found it was gone.

At this time, the class teacher spoke: "Okay, okay, stop talking, get ready for class!"

He looked at Shi Jiu who was standing at the door, and urged, "Jiang Ran, sit back at your seat!"

After wasting so much time, I don't know if this class can be finished.

Shi Jiu was not annoyed, she glanced at her position, it seemed that she was in the corner behind, under the eyes of everyone, she walked over.

On the side, Li Yun, Lin Kexin's deskmate, looked at her, "Sister Kexin, why does this Jiang Ran look so strange, could she be stimulated?"

Lin Kexin said with a bit of yin and yang, "Who knows her, anyway, if she is stimulated, it's none of our business."

She snorted coldly, "Don't worry about eating salty radishes every day, they don't need our concern."

(End of this chapter)

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