The villain boss is my family

Chapter 538 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 538 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (22)

At this moment, Memorial Bai is sitting in front of the computer desk, processed the recording and put it on several well-known online platforms, as well as the school's campus network.

He had just finished uploading, and before he had time to see the effect, he heard a knock on the door.

Thinking he heard it wrong, he didn't answer the door right away.

Listen carefully, the sound outside is indeed the sound from his door.

He thought about it, he and that woman were the only ones in this house, what was she doing knocking on his door?
What can she ask him for?

Feeling honest, he walked over and opened the door.

Standing outside the door, Shi Jiu was still in the posture of knocking, when the door opened suddenly, she was really taken aback.

Memorial Bai leaned slightly against the door, looked at the woman in pajamas, and asked lightly, "Why are you knocking on the door? What do you want?"

Shi Jiu glanced at his bare upper body, she coughed lightly, then glanced away.

She lowered her eyes, "I don't have a computer, I'm here to ask you to borrow a computer."

Afterwards, he asked stupidly as if his brain was missing a string: "Um... do you have a computer?"

Memorial White: "..."

He nodded, "I have, but what do you want to borrow the computer for?"

Shouldn't you want to do something?

Shi Jiu looked impatient, "Don't worry about so much, just ask if you want to borrow it!"

Is it over if you borrow it?
What are you talking about there!

Memorial Bai looked at her as if she was really in a hurry, he opened the door completely, "Come in!"

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows and walked in.

When she walked in, she thought the room would be messy just like his violent temper, but she didn't expect it to be quite clean and tidy.

Memorial Bai led her to the computer desk, "The computer is here."

Shi Jiu nodded, and then sat down.

Her eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the photo on the table. It was a family portrait. She picked it up and looked at the little boy smiling brightly. "You looked so cute when you were young!"

Now act like a hooligan leader!
One mouthful and one Laozi all day long!

Then, one hand took away the photo in her hand.

She was stunned for a moment, and the voice of Memorial Bai came from her head, "Didn't your family tell you that you are not allowed to touch other people's things without permission?"

He put the photo aside.

Shi Jiu pursed her lips, "Just take a look, what you do so stingy, you won't lose a piece of meat."

Memorial Bai urged her, "Use it quickly, and leave when you're done, I'll play games later."

Thinking that she still had business to do, she stopped talking nonsense with him and took out her mobile phone.


at the same time.

A certain network platform.

[Fuck, is it so explosive?No, good things have to be shared, and I have to spread them to everyone! 】

[It's so disgusting!Why is this kind of person like this!Going to throw up! 】

[Where is the principal here.It's clearly a beast in human skin, it's so dirty and shameless! 】

[Oh my god!This is not true, is it!My daughter is studying there too! 】

[Could it be something that someone did on purpose?Could it be fake if there are no pictures? 】

[Things haven't been confirmed yet, so it's hard to say anything. 】


Some people on the Internet believe it and some people suspect it is fake.

Netizens are still discussing what happened.


Shi Jiu edited the video, and she made an eye-catching title, capitalized and bold red, the beast things that the principal of xx college xx has to say!
Click to upload to the campus official website and the network platform.

Seeing that the sending was successful, she smiled with satisfaction.

Waiting to be baptized by the saliva of netizens!

Don't believe it won't break!
(End of this chapter)

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