The villain boss is my family

Chapter 543 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 543 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (28)

This woman has such a bad reputation, Nian Bai actually chose her.

She forced a smile, "Nianbai, since you have a choice, I won't bother you again in the future."

Memorial Bai watched Gu Yun leave expressionlessly, and then his eyes fell on Shi Jiu next to him.

"If you haven't let go of your hand, how long will you hold it?"

Shi Jiu curled his lips and shook off his arm.

Commemorative left without looking back.

Ji Sichen looked at her wonderingly, "When did you guys have an affair, why didn't I know?"

I haven't heard Xiao Baibai say this before!

He denied everything he said before!
Are you engaging in an underground romance?
Shi Jiu smiled lightly, "There are so many things you don't know."

Ji Sichen: "..." How come there is a feeling of being rejected by others.

As everyone knows, the scene just now was photographed by some interested people and posted on the official website of the campus.


I left school at nine hours when there was no class in the afternoon.

While walking on the road, she met Gu Yun.

The other party said directly, "Jiang Ran, I want to talk to you."

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows, then nodded, "Yes."

Looking at the small restaurant not far away, "Let's go there and talk!"

Gu Yun looked over there and nodded.

So, the two walked into the restaurant together.

They sat down in a seat by the window.

The waiter brought two glasses of water.

Shi Jiu took a sip of water from his cup, raised his eyes and said, "What do you want from me?"

Compared to Shi Jiu's calmness, Gu Yun seemed a little nervous, "Jiang Ran, I'm here to talk to you about you and...Nian Bai."

Shi Jiu blinked, "What about me and him?"

After a long time, Gu Yun slowly opened his mouth, "Nian Bai and I have known each other for... three years. We used to be very affectionate and were each other's first love. Because of certain things, I left him, so..."

She didn't finish her sentence, but Shi Jiu knew what she wanted to say.

She looked at her with a half-smile, "So, you want me to leave him?"

Gu Yun held the corner of the skirt tightly with her hands on her legs, she nodded, "Yes, I still love him."

Listening to what she said, Shi Jiu chuckled lightly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, "It's your business that you still love him, but now, in what capacity are you telling me about this matter, ex-girlfriend identity of?"

Hearing the words "ex-girlfriend", Gu Yun felt ashamed, his face turned blue and pale.

Sensing Shi Jiu's wanton gaze, she became angry from embarrassment, "It's impossible for him to like you! It's obviously me that he loves! You won't have any results."

Shi Jiu had a smile on his lips, "It's not your turn to say what will happen to me and him in the future, at least for now, I am very satisfied with the status quo, he likes me, and I like him too."

She stood up and left without paying attention to Gu Yun's face behind her.

Gu Yun was trembling with anger.

When she thought of the man she liked being snatched away by others, her face darkened.

Jiang Ran! !
Damn it! ! !

At this time, the blind waiter came over and asked her if she needed anything?

She refused with a cold face, "No need!"

Then, he stood up angrily and left the restaurant.


After walking out of the restaurant, Shi Jiu felt refreshed.

After returning to the residence, she threw herself directly on the bed as a dead body.

After resting for half an hour, she took out her mobile phone and looked through it casually.

Clicking on the network platform on the campus, she found a video, which happened to happen this morning.

Looking at the eye-catching big characters, she sneered, logged out of the campus network, and then threw her phone on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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