The villain boss is my family

Chapter 546 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 546 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (31)

Unable to bear it, he took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom.

After waking up, Shi Jiu walked out of the room and found someone in the bathroom. Then, she yawned and walked into the kitchen.

She woke up early today, so she can make some breakfast.

At this time, Memorial Bai also walked to the kitchen after taking a shower, and found the busy figure inside stunned for a moment.

Shi Jiu broke two eggs and fried them in a frying pan, "Are you awake? Do you want to have breakfast together? Do you want to eat what I made?"

Smelling the smell of fried eggs, Memorial Bai swallowed, he was really hungry now, his chest was on his back.

He nodded, "OK."

She finished frying the egg and looked up, "I'll call you when it's done."


Souvenir returned to the room.

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows and continued with the work in hand.


15 minutes later.

After finishing the breakfast, she knocked on the door of Memorial Bai's room. Before she knocked, the door opened.

Souvenir Bai has already changed his clothes.

Shi Jiu said, "Breakfast is ready."

He nodded and walked towards the kitchen.

She went into the bathroom to wash up.

When she came out, she found that the breakfast on the table had been eaten, and she smiled.

After eating breakfast, she also left.



A girl from the class came up to talk to Gu Yun who was alone.

"Gu Yun, have you watched that video? What's going on with you, Memorial Bai, and Jiang Ran?"

Gu Yun was puzzled, "Video?"

"That's right! There's a video on the campus website. In the video, Jiang Ran seems to be holding Memorial Bai's arm."

Gu Yun suddenly realized that the scene yesterday was photographed and posted on the Internet.

It just so happens that she can push the boat along the way.

Female classmates gossip, "Do you know each other?"

Gu Yun nodded, "I met Memorial Bai, he was my first love, I came here to look for him, I didn't expect..."

She sighed, looking a little helpless.

"Ah? So, Jiang Ran is the third party!?"

Her voice was loud and quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding students.

Seeing that her goal had been achieved, Gu Yun quickly shook her head and explained: ", Jiang Ran is not a third party, I broke up with him peacefully...they were already together when I came to him... "

Her explanation seemed to be getting darker and darker, and the people who listened to it didn't think so.

"So, you didn't know that you were broken up?"

Gu Yun moved his lips slowly, "Jiang Ran is very nice..."

"The people at the school know what kind of person Jiang Ran is. The principal's opinion of her changed a little bit last time, but she would still do such a thing! I feel ashamed for her!"

Lin Kexin, who had been paying attention to the conversation between them, came closer.

She showed a surprised expression, "Oh my God! Jiang Ran actually meddled in his love life and became a mistress! This is too scary!"

"Jiang Ran really broke my lower limit again."

Suddenly, the crowd exploded.

"Look, Jiang Ran is here!"

Gu Yun looked at Shi Jiu who was surrounded by the crowd not far away, and she slowly smiled.

The people around surrounded her in a circle.

They scolded her: "Jiang Ran, you are so shameless that you are a mistress!"

"Obviously they are true love, a couple made in heaven, but you are better off breaking them up, and taking other people's boyfriends as your own."

Hearing the abuse around her, her mood suddenly dropped to a low point.

She knew who the other person she was talking about was.

However, it is quite clever.

(End of this chapter)

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