The villain boss is my family

Chapter 548 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 548 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (33)

When Shi Jiu returned to the classroom, she found that the person next to her had moved to the front row.

But that's fine, at least no one bothers her.


One morning passed.

It's time to leave school, and the students are walking around.

Suddenly, there was an abrupt sound in the corridor.

A boy with dyed yellow hair and a thick gold chain, he picked his nostrils vulgarly, "I heard that Memorial Bai is the boss in this school?"

The servant beside him nodded, "Yes, Brother Qiang, his skills are very good."

The yellow-haired boy was suspicious, "Is Memorial Bai really so powerful?"

Thinking that he was also the boss in the school where he was, now that he came to this school, there can only be one boss, and that is him!

The attendant nodded, "Yes, Brother Qiang is not easy to mess with, or let's just forget about it!"

He has seen Memorial Bai before, and the ruthlessness on his body makes people uncontrollably frightened.

The yellow-haired boy slapped him on the head, "Whoever is with you, I will look for him, I want to cut him, take me there!"

"Yes, yes, Brother Qiang, I'll take you there right now."

A group of people left the corridor.

Gu Yun, who was packing her schoolbag, was very worried when she heard that the voice was coming towards Memorial Bai. Afterwards, she picked up her schoolbag, stood up and walked out the door.

Shi Jiu looked at the person leaving and slowly curled his lips.

How can you let people get ahead of you when you are asking for warmth.

He left with his schoolbag on his shoulders.

The rest of the students who were looking for a good show also ran over one after another.


The midday sun was very hot.

In the corner of the playground, Memorial Bai is playing basketball at the moment, sweat is dripping from his body, and sweat is dripping from his face.

The body bounced up and shot a three-pointer.

"Bang—" hit the target.

His movements stopped, and he panted silently after wiping off his sweat.

The fans watching on the side screamed.

"My god! So handsome! Look at me, do I have a nosebleed!"


The yellow-haired boy lived up to everyone's expectations and came here. He looked at the thin skin and tender flesh in front of him, and the white face was puzzled, "Are you Memorial Bai?"

Didn't the fuck lie to him?
This is the school boss?

The one with thin arms and legs is not as thick as his arm.

Memorial Bai turned his head and let out a breath of foul air, "What, I have something to do with you, Lao Tzu?"

Being taken advantage of, the yellow-haired boy pointed at him angrily, "Jiuanbai, I want to fight you one-on-one! If you win, you will be the boss in the school!"

Memorial White shook his wet hair.

Then Ji Sichen came over with a towel and handed it to him.

"Xiao Baibai, did I hear correctly? He wants to challenge you one-on-one?"

"Ask him yourself."

Memorial Bai wiped his sweat with a towel.

Ji Sichen looked at the yellow-haired boy with a smile, his eyes finally fell on the gold chain around his neck and chuckled, "Are you sure you want to go heads-up with a guy who hits ten people by himself and knocks down one in five minutes?"

Yellow-haired boy: "..."

He snorted coldly, "Don't scare me! I'm not scared!"

How could it be possible for him to look so weak!

Ji Sichen smiled, "Brother, if I were you, turn around and go as far away as possible."

Seeing that the other party still didn't leave, he looked at Memorial Bai and shrugged, "Xiao Baibai, I'm here to challenge you one-on-one, pick a good and auspicious day and get things done quickly, so that I can give up my heart."

"Not interested in."

After Memorial Bai wiped off his sweat, he hung the towel on his shoulder, turned and left.

The yellow-haired boy felt that his self-esteem had been hit hard, so he stopped Memorial Bai.

"There is no winner or loser today, don't even think about leaving!"

Memorial Bai raised his eyelids, and said coldly, "Get out of the way for me!"

The yellow-haired boy attacked him in anger when he saw that the other party was so shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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