The villain boss is my family

Chapter 555 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 555 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (40)

Memorial Bai said slowly: "Let's leave this matter alone."

Shi Jiu propped his head up and looked at him pursing his lips, "But I don't want to forget about it."

The man's face darkened, "Do you want me to marry you?"

He had no other intentions for this woman.

It is impossible to marry her!
Seeing his appearance, Shi Jiu chuckled, "I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously, just pretend it never happened."

But as soon as Ji Ji Bai heard her say that, he felt strange, and he didn't think much about turning around and leaving.

Shi Jiu's eyes were deep, and the corners of his lips slowly curled up.

She is in no hurry.

Some things have to take their time.


In the evening, return to the rented house at [-]:[-].

Before I opened the door and went in, I received a call from Mother Jiang.

The content of the call was nothing more than asking her how things were going today.

"Mom, I have already rejected him. Nothing happened between us, and everything was resolved peacefully."

After the other end was relieved, she hung up the phone.

Putting the phone back into the bag, she took out the key and opened the door.

After entering the door, Memorial Bai came back.

Neither of them spoke.

Shi Jiu looked at the person walking in front.

"Well... have you eaten? I'm going to make something to eat. If you haven't eaten, I'll..."

Memorial Bai, who was about to go back to his room to eat instant noodles, stopped, turned his head and answered very honestly: "Not yet."

"Then let's eat together later?"

Memorial White nodded.

After a while, he said, "I'll help you."

In the morning, I still talked to others like that.

It's a bit embarrassing to eat free food now.

Shi Jiu was a little surprised, she blinked, "Okay."

She turned and went into the kitchen.

Memorial Bai stood there like a log.

Shi Jiu stuffed the vegetables into his arms, "Clean these vegetables and wash them."

He looked at the dish in his hand and heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not a problem.

In this way, the two had a clear division of labor, and three dishes and one soup were brought to the table.

At the dinner table, there was only the sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding.

The two became silent again, and the atmosphere became awkward.

Shi Jiu found a topic, "Can you tell me the story between you and Gu Yun?"

She still wants to know about the things between them.

Memorial Bai raised his head and looked at her with a calm expression, "It's all over, there's nothing to say."

Shi Jiu looked innocently, "I want to hear it."

Looking at the woman in front of him, he lowered his head unnaturally, and found that there was no rice in the bowl, so he pushed the bowl over, "Go get me a bowl of rice and I'll tell you about it."

Shi Jiu saw his childish behavior and smiled, his eyes turned into crescent moons.

Immediately, Memorial Bai fell into it.

She nodded, "No problem."

It's nothing more than a bowl of rice.

After she left, Memorial breathed a sigh of relief.

Did he see the hell just now?
That is how the matter?

Why is your heart beating so fast?
After a while, Shi Jiu served the rice.

Then, she raised her head and looked at him, "You can talk."

Memorial Baipa picked up the rice in the bowl, looked up at her, thought for a while before saying: "There is actually nothing between me and her."

Shi Jiu gave him an expression that she didn't believe you.

She blinked, "Isn't she your first love?"

He paused, "Yes and no."

"To be precise, she chased me. She was young, frivolous and ignorant, and then she agreed, and then she proposed to break up and leave."

Shijiu: "..."

What is the process she wants?

"Is this gone?"

Memorial Bai raised his eyes and glanced at her, "Then what else do you want?"

"Want to hear something exciting?"

Nod at nine o'clock.

Commemorating Bai Xiao, "Do you want me to make up a paragraph for you?"


So perfunctory!
If I had known earlier, she wouldn't have asked!

People didn't mean anything at all!
(End of this chapter)

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