The villain boss is my family

Chapter 558 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 558 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (43)

Shi Jiu was puzzled, "Your cousin?"

Su Wan scratched her head, "It's that Memorial Bai, he is my cousin."

She shrugged, and gave an ambiguous answer, "That's what you saw."

Su Wan exclaimed: "You are my cousin's girlfriend!"

She didn't answer directly, just smiled and said nothing.

"My name is Su Wan."

"Jiang Ran."

"So you are Jiang Ran."

Su Wan was surprised.

The person in front of me seems to be different from what was said in the school!

Sure enough, the rumors are unbelievable!
Then, she looked embarrassed, "I didn't mean anything else..."

Shi Jiu said flatly, "I know, it's fine."

Not far away, Gu Yun saw the two people talking in front of her, and her face darkened.

This Su Wan would actually be with Jiang Ran.

One must know that this Su Wan is not usually difficult to get along with, she had no good looks towards her at the beginning.

Now he has such a good attitude towards this woman Jiang Ran.

She squeezed her hands tightly.

There was resentment and resentment in his eyes.

She walked over and smiled, "Su Wan, long time no see."

When Su Wan saw that it was her, her face turned down, "Who hasn't seen you for a long time, do I know you?"

Why is this woman still here!

Didn't you take the money and leave?
Gu Yun's face froze, and he stood there in embarrassment.

Shi Jiu watched the two raise their eyebrows.

Suddenly, Su Wan let out an "ah", realizing that she had wasted too much time, and the person in front of her had long since disappeared. She looked at Shi Jiu, "I'll go now, we'll talk next time!"

Shijiu nodded and watched her leave.

Afterwards, Gu Yun sneered, "Jiang Ran, I can't tell, you're pretty good at it!"

Memorial Bai's cousins ​​all came to the door.

It can also make Su Wan, a woman, accept her!

It seems she underestimated her.

"Don't take what I think is so dirty with you, the two cannot be confused."

Shi Jiu glanced at her, dropped his words and left.

Gu Yun was trembling with anger.


In the evening, Shi Jiu alone was walking on the road.

At this time, the street lights had been turned on, and the whole road looked dim.

A group of people surrounded her in front of her, several of them were tattooed and dressed in philistine ways, and they seemed to be discussing something.

They didn't notice Shijiu who was approaching, they just talked about their own affairs.

A bald man inside spit out a mouthful of saliva, and his expression looked very ferocious, "I must take revenge! I must commemorate my death in vain! Otherwise, I will not be able to swallow this breath."

A little brother said weakly: "Will the boss break the law?"

He heard it could lead to jail time.

If he went in, what would his eighty-year-old mother do?
The bald man slapped him angrily, "Whatever the law is, I am the king's law! If you are afraid, don't do it!"

The bald man continued: "Tomorrow you guys will ambush him on XX Road, remember to bring the guy..."

When Shi Jiu heard what they said, his footsteps stopped slowly and unconsciously.

Are they going to deal with Memorial White?

The bald man noticed that one of his brothers was distracted, and kicked him with displeasure, "Fuck you! What are you looking at! Focus!"

The younger brother cried out in pain, regained his senses, and scratched his head in embarrassment, "Boss, look quickly, there is a beautiful woman over there."

Hearing that, the bald man raised his head, and saw Shi Jiu standing not far away.

Seeing that the other person's appearance is indeed very beautiful, if it were normal, he would definitely go up and tease him, but today he is not in the mood, and his mind is all on how to deal with the commemorative white tomorrow.

He shouted impatiently, "What are you looking at, have you seen men discussing important matters?"

"If you don't leave here again, I will be rude to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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