The villain boss is my family

Chapter 568 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother

Chapter 568 The Daily Life of the Cranky Brother (53)

Shi Jiu sneered, and raised his head to look at her, "Let's not mention this time, what about the previous time? How dare you say that you didn't slander me? Did the whole school despise me so much?"

Lin Kexin quickly shook her head, evasive, "I...I didn't...I really didn't..."

How did she know about that!
Seeing that she was still quibbling, Shi Jiu reached out and pressed her whole body against the wall and rubbed it, "Say it! Tell me clearly! Otherwise, if you cut your face a few times, your face will be disfigured!"

Lin Kexin struggled non-stop, and roared angrily, "Jiang Ran, how dare you!"

Is she crazy!


Then, the clothes on her body were scratched, revealing the delicate skin under the clothes.


Lin Kexin screamed.

Shi Jiu looked at her expressionlessly, "Be good, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Ji Sichen, who was hiding not far away, smiled when he saw that scene.

"Little Baibai, she has great potential to be a bandit, and she is as fierce as you."

Memorial Bai's eyes kept falling on Shi Jiu over there, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Lin Kexin, who was threatened, was so frightened that her face turned pale. Her hair was messed up, her eyes were full of tears, and there were several marks on her body that were cut by knives. She looked very embarrassed.

She nodded desperately, "I said, I said! Don't kill me! Please be careful of the knife in your hand!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up! Otherwise..."

Shi Jiu slowly waved the knife in his hand.

Thus, Lin Kexin confessed everything completely.

He explained everything, how she framed and slandered her.

Lin Kexin swallowed her saliva, "Jiang Ran, I've told you everything I know, please let me go! I won't dare to do it again!"

Only then did Shi Jiu let go of her, and said coldly, "Hurry up, in case I change my mind..."

Hearing this, Lin Kexin quickly got up and ran like a [-]-meter sprint.

Ji Sichen came over and praised her, "Sister Jiang Ran, you did a good job!"

Thinking of those rumors that are not true, it's thanks to her such a strong heart, if she meets a cowardly and cowardly person, she might commit suicide and bury her in the ground.

Memorial Bai looked at her with pursed lips, but didn't speak.

Shi Jiu glanced at him, wondering what he was thinking right now.

Then, she smiled, "I still have something to do, so I'll take a step first."

Memorial Bai looked at her leaving back and thought.


Campus Network.

A 3-minute recording caused an uproar across the Internet,
[This is really true, real people know their faces but don't know their hearts!Unexpectedly, all of this was planned by Lin Kexin, it's so vicious! 】

[It turns out that Jiang Ran is the victim, she has been suffering in silence, it turns out we all wrongly blamed her. 】

[Jiang Ran, I'm sorry, we wronged you, I apologize. 】

【Sorry, it's us...】


After the matter simmered, Lin Kexin didn't dare to come to school anymore, the answer was self-evident.

Everyone also knew about Jiang Ran and Memorial Bai being together.

"I heard that Lin Kexin has dropped out of school!"

"She doesn't have the face to stay in school for doing something like that, and I wouldn't have the face to stay if it was mine."

"I never thought that Lin Kexin would do such a thing."

Gu Yun passing by listened to what they said with a sullen face.


Jiang Ran's luck is so good!

It turned out to be whitewashed!
At this time, Shi Jiu and Memorial Bai walked into the campus together.

Everyone looked at them one after another.

Gu Yun also saw the two of them together.

(End of this chapter)

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