The villain boss is my family

Chapter 608 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 608 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (21)

After a while, after the result inspection and acceptance, the students went out of the sky.

The crowd moved around.

Qiu Yiming originally wanted to call Shi Jiu to stop, but seeing her slipping away so fast, he let out a sigh.

Shi Jiu ran back to the dormitory, walked into dormitory 503 immediately, and was relieved to find that Qin Mo hadn't left yet.

He was surprised to see her appear.

She looked at him, "When are you going to leave?"

Qin Mo packed up his things, "The housekeeper will be here soon."

She nodded.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

The butler came, and he appeared at the door of the dormitory.

"Master, you..."

When he saw his young master and Qiu's young master together, he was stunned.

This kid actually came to pester his young master.

He walked in, "Master, everything is ready, the car is already waiting outside, let's leave!"

Qin Mo nodded.

Looking at Shi Jiu, "Goodbye."

he left.

After the housekeeper picked up the things, she glared at her and left.

Shi Jiu looked at the person who left and smiled softly.

They will see you again.


Out of the training place.

Shi Jiu seemed to come alive, without restraint, the whole person relaxed a lot.

After a while, a Jun car stopped in front of her.

The car window opened to reveal Qiu Yiming's face.

"Get in the car, I happen to be going back too."

Shi Jiu raised her eyebrows, and then she got into the car.


Qin family.

After Qin Mo came back, he walked inside.

A well-maintained woman came over.

She looked at her son and asked, "Mo'er, you are back, how is your health?"

Qin Mo shook his head, "Mom, I'm fine, everything is going well."

"That's good, are you tired? Go to rest first, and come down to eat later."

He nodded and walked up the stairs.

Qin's mother looked at the housekeeper, "Master, has anything happened these days?"

The butler was taken aback, and he lowered his head, "Nothing happened, young master, but... it's..."

"How about it?"

"It's very close to the young master of the Qiu family."

Qin's mother frowned, "The young master of the Qiu family you mentioned is Qiu Beixi?"

She had met him a few times, but he looked submissive, just like the rumors from the outside world.

There are three children in the Qiu family, and his two older brothers are not good enough, but when it comes to him... his reputation is really messed up.

But she is quite familiar with Mrs. Qiu's family.

They were still good classmates in college.

The two should have promised at the beginning that if the children born after marriage can be married.

After each of them got married, except for some necessary occasions, the number of times they met privately became less and less.

The butler nodded, "Mrs., it's him. These few days, Qiu Beixi has been looking for the young master every day. The two seem to... get along well."

Qin's mother sighed, "It's not bad for Mo'er to have a close friend."

This is Qiu Beixi...

Forget it.

Let them go with the flow of things between the two children, since they got along well, it's not easy for her to get involved.

She left.

The housekeeper hesitated to speak.

If Madam knew that the two had passed such a thing, she would probably go crazy.


autumn family.

When Shi Jiu got out of the car and walked in, she saw a gentle and elegant man sitting on the sofa, exuding the air of a scholar, she knew it was her second brother Qiu Huanze.

Hearing the movement, the person on the sofa looked over and was stunned.

The person at the door... is his weak brother Qiu Beixi?
Shi Jiu walked up to him with a smile, "Second Brother, don't tell me when you're back."

(End of this chapter)

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