The villain boss is my family

Chapter 615 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 615 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (28)

Shi Jiu watched her leave with satisfaction.

She walked back and sat back in her original position.

Seeing her in a good mood, Qin Mo was puzzled, "What did you say to her?"

While drinking, Shi Jiu paused, and she raised her eyebrows, "You want to know?"

Then, she laughed lowly: "I don't think you would want to know."

Qin Mo seemed to know something, his expression became gloomy.

This Qiu Beixi!
He really dares to talk nonsense!

The banquet was almost over, Shijiu received a message from his elder brother.

[It's almost time, where are you, it's time to go back. 】

She replied: [Take it and bring it. 】

She looked at Qin Mo at the side. Since Chen Yao left, he hadn't said a word, and she didn't know what he was thinking about.

She didn't do anything out of the ordinary to him.

Does he have to put on a bad face for her?

Obviously, she had forgotten that she was a man now.

She stood up and looked down at him, "Since you don't speak, I'll go first. I'm very happy today. Let's meet at school next time. Goodbye."

She left gracefully.

Qin Mo raised his head and quietly looked at her back.

The butler rushed over at this time, "Master, how are you? Is there something wrong? Did Qiu Beixi do anything strange to you?"

"To shut up."

Qin Mo got annoyed, stood up and left.

The startled butler saw his young master's temper, and muttered to himself, "It's over, the young master must have been defiled by Qiu Beixi!"

If Qin Mo heard what he said at this time, he would definitely sew his mouth shut on the spot.


After Shi Jiu walked out of the hotel, she found that her elder brother and second brother had gone back to their jobs first.

She can only go back with Qiumu.

inside the car.

Shi Jiu supported his head and looked out of the car.

Qiu's mother hesitated for a long time, looked at her and asked, "Bei Xi, what is your relationship with Qin Mo?"

Shi Jiu looked back at her, "Of course they are friends."

"Then you treat him..."

"Mom, don't worry about my affairs."

Qiu's mother's expression darkened, "Bei Xi's mother just hopes that you... this Qin Mo is in good condition in all aspects, but you also know his body."

Shi Jiu had a headache, her mother really didn't know what to say to her.

"Mom, don't worry about this matter. It was then, and now is now."

She looked at her seriously, "My life is my own decision, and no one can interfere, and the people in it naturally include you."

Qiu's mother pursed her lips, and slightly tightened her hand that was placed aside.

It was also because of this that she concealed Bessie's identity back then.

Now the two have come into contact with each other.

I just don't know if Bessie will...

She sighed in her heart, what should I do!


after a few days.

At nine I went to school.

People had not yet entered the gate of the school when they heard the exclamation of the crowd.

"Master Qin! Master Qin!"

She blinked, and he came earlier than her.

Remembering that they are not in the same class, she has to go up and communicate with them so as not to appear stingy.

Qin Mo got out of the car and looked at the crowd with indifference.

"Let let! Let let!"

A familiar voice from the crowd caught his attention.

After a while, Shi Jiu stood in front of him.

"What does Qiu Beixi want to do?"

"Didn't you see that Young Master Qin didn't want to talk to him? He still posted it cheekily, how annoying!"

Shi Jiu showed a mouthful of white teeth, "What a coincidence, why don't we go in together?"

Qin Mo glanced at her, raised his foot and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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