The villain boss is my family

Chapter 626 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 626 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (39)

Qin's mother looked at the beautiful and powerful woman in front of her, and she was really amazed.

The woman in front of me is really beautiful.

She looked at Shi Linglong, "Miss, what you just said..."

Shi Linglong smiled, "Hi, Mrs. Qin, my name is Shi Linglong, you can call me Linglong."

She nodded, "I heard that Young Master Qin is not in good health, I think I can save him."

Qin's mother looked surprised, "Is what you said true? Can you really save Mo'er?"

Shi Linglong smiled calmly, "Mrs. Qin, what I said is true. I can save Qin Mo and only I can save him, because my bone marrow matches Young Master Qin."

Qin's mother was excited, "Miss Shi, is what you said true?"

She nodded, "Yes, if Mrs. Qin doesn't believe it, we can go to the hospital tomorrow."

The housekeeper at the side was speechless in surprise, this beautiful woman was able to save his young master.

Is this true?
He must tell the young master the good news.

He ran upstairs and rushed into Qin Mo's room.

He looked very excited, "Master! Master! There is a beautiful woman downstairs who said she can save you!"

Qin Mo paused slightly.

He looked up at him, "Remember to knock on the door next time you come in."

The butler pouted, "Master, aren't you happy?"

He was about to speak when Shi Linglong came in suddenly.

She fixed her gaze on Qin Mo's face, slowly revealing an infatuated look, but it passed by very quickly.

Qin Mo glanced at her with an expression on his face, then looked away.

The housekeeper at the side quickly explained: "Master, she is the woman who can claim to save you."

"I don't need it, let her go out."

Shi Linglong was taken aback.

Mu Xie was still as indifferent as ever!

But she will not pass up this opportunity.

The housekeeper was anxious, "Master, maybe she can really save you?"

Shi Linglong smiled lightly, "Young Master Qin, don't refuse me yet, what if I can really save you?"

Qin Mo frowned and did not speak.

He didn't know why he hated the woman in front of him when he saw it, even a trace of disgust came from the bottom of his heart.

Even though she had an extremely beautiful face.

Mother Qin's voice came over, "Mo'er, your body can no longer drag on..."

"This Miss Shi said that her bone marrow matches yours, if it's true..."

She pursed her lips, "Mo'er, Mom can't lose you."

As she said, she didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Qin Mo looked at her silently, and sighed in his heart.

Finally he nodded, "Just do as you say!"

When Shi Linglong heard that he agreed, she showed a satisfied smile.


the next day.

Shi Jiu came to the Qin family again.

"Why are you here again?"

"Of course I'm here to see your young master, let me in quickly."

"Sorry, our young master is not here today."

She wondered, "Why not here?"

The housekeeper said happily: "Last night, a woman said she could save our young master, and now they went to the hospital."

When Shi Jiuyi heard this, his face darkened.

Damn Shi Linglong!

"Which hospital are they in now?"

After getting the exact address, she went there right away.



Qin's mother looked at Dr. Wang expectantly, "How's the result of the examination, does it match Mo'er?"

Dr. Wang smiled, "The test results came out. Ms. Shi and Master Qin have a bone marrow match. Congratulations to Mrs. Qin, Master Qin is ready for a bone marrow transplant."

(End of this chapter)

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