The villain boss is my family

Chapter 633 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 633 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (46)

Seeing the person who had gone far ahead, she quickly followed.

But when she went up, she found "Chen Yao" standing in front of Qin Mo.

Seeing this, she stopped involuntarily.

Looking at the two people over there, she seemed to see Mu Xie and Shi Linglong standing together in the past. They used to...

She snorted softly, Mu Xie was really cruel back then.

The other party smiled at her when he saw her.

Shi Jiu knew that it was Shi Linglong who was protesting with her, but was she afraid?
She walked over with a cold face.

Shi Linglong leaned over Chen Yao's body again, she looked at Qin Mo and asked softly, "Master Qin, why did you leave the hospital?"

Qin Mo narrowed his eyes, "How do you know about this?"

No one knew about his hospitalization and discharge. How did she know?
Facing his suspicion, Shi Linglong panicked, but she calmed down quickly.

"I heard Qiu Beixi mention it before."

Qin Mo was suspicious and lowered his eyes.

Shi Linglong quickly noticed the ring on his hand, and she was stunned.

Mu Xie wore this ring before, and never left it.

However, how did it appear here?

Then, her eyes flashed as if she understood something, and she squeezed her palms with a sullen face.

Could it be because of this ring that his illness was cured?
"Master Qin, this ring of yours looks really special..."

Qin Mo froze, then quietly hid his hands behind his back.

Seeing his actions, Shi Linglong's heart sank.

"What are you guys talking about?" Shi Jiu's voice came over.

Seeing her coming, Shi Linglong smiled, "I'm discussing other things with Young Master Qin."

She glanced at Qin Mo, showing a trace of embarrassment, "But it seems that Young Master Qin doesn't seem to want to talk to me..."

Shi Jiu looked at her with a smile on his face.

If you know it, leave now.

Still licking your face and rushing up, don't you have any points in your heart?
She narrowed her eyes and looked at Qin Mo, "Student Qin, is this really the case? How can you be so rude to a female classmate?"

Qin Mo looked indifferent, and gave her a cold look, as if he felt that she was talking unnecessary nonsense.

"Nothing to do with you."

Shi Jiu chuckled, "It doesn't matter why, your business is my business."

After speaking, he still did not forget to sneak a glance at "Chen Yao".

Seeing that the other party's face is not very good, she is very happy in her heart.

Shi Linglong, who was on the side, looked at the two as if they had forgotten her existence. Seeing that his attitude towards her was better than that woman, she felt very uncomfortable, and she was so jealous that she was dying.

Mu Xie why...

Why do you always only have her in your eyes!

But without her, Shi Linglong.

Qin Mo didn't want to pay any attention to her intentional words, and walked away.

Shi Jiu saw the man leaving, looked at his back and shouted intentionally: "Student Qin, we haven't finished talking yet, why are you leaving?"

However, Qin Mo left without looking back.

Seeing him leave without saying a word, Shi Linglong's expression became more and more gloomy, and her hatred for Shi Jiu became deeper and deeper.

Shi Jiu's eyes fell on her, "Chen Yao, why don't you look so good? Are you feeling unwell?"

Even though she hated her to death in her heart, she still had to pretend nothing had happened on the surface.

She smiled and shook her head, ""

Shi Jiu looked at her and smiled, "Well, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

After she passed Shi Linglong, the corner of her mouth curled up.

Afterwards, she quickly caught up with the big pig's hoof she was thinking of.

Shi Linglong stared fiercely at Shi Jiu's figure.

Damn woman!
(End of this chapter)

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