The villain boss is my family

Chapter 635 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 635 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (48)

Seeing this constipated expression on her face, she couldn't help laughing anymore.

Qin Mo looked at her quietly and smiled expressionlessly.

It took a long time before he spoke: "Have you laughed enough?"

Shi Jiu's expression froze, she was a little carried away just now, "Laughing...enough laughing."

"Hit... robbery! Hand over all the money you have on you!"

The sudden voice made it difficult for both of them to see past.

It was found that standing opposite them were idlers from the May-[-] society, who seemed to have been mixed in the society.

There are tattoos on each arm, blue dragon on the left and white tiger on the right, and different otherworldly red, green and blue colors dyed on the head.

They came towards them.

Suddenly, Shi Jiu showed a timid look on his face, and pulled Qin Mo's clothes, "Student Qin, they are going to rob, I don't know if it is robbing money or robbing sex."

"I'm so scared, I can't beat them, you have to protect me."


Qin Mo pulled back his clothes calmly, "They only want money, not people."

Shijiu: "..."

Huo Qilin's wanton laughter came from his mind.

"Can women show some face?"

Where did the aura of one man against all kings go?
She said with a dark face, "Huo Qilin, you can shut up!"

Can't she be softer?

The leader was a man named Hua Ge.

The red-haired boy smiled and said, "Brother Hua, those two people look very rich. Not only can they make a lot of money, but they can also afford food and clothing during this period of time."

Brother Hua spat vulgarly, "Your brat is so good, what a fucking embarrassment."

"Brother Hua, what else do you want?"

"The two of them don't look like ordinary people. If we want to do it, we have to do it."

If it wasn't for having no money at hand, and owing a huge amount of debt, tomorrow is the due date for repaying the money, so the idea of ​​robbery came up as a last resort.

But he didn't want to encounter such a big fish for the first time.

Brother Hua took a puff of the cigarette and threw it out.

Immediately, he looked at Shi Jiu and the others and said viciously: "You two are acquainted, hand over all the money you have on you!"

He paused, "And...including the bank card and bank card password..."

Hearing that the other party really wanted money, Shi Jiu looked at Qin Mo, "Do you have any money?"


She spread her hands, "Exactly, neither do I."

She raised her eyes, "What should I do then?"

Seeing them still standing still, the red-haired boy yelled loudly: "What are you doing in a daze! Hand over the money!"

Shi Jiu narrowed his eyes, "Sorry, we don't have any money with us."

Brother Hua exclaimed: "No money?! This is impossible!"

They look like rich people!
The red-haired boy said: "Brother Hua, they must be lying! Look at their clothes must be extraordinary!"

When Brother Hua heard it, he felt that it was very likely to be so.

He looked angry, "You two brats dare to lie to me! Go search for me!"

All five people surrounded them.

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Student Qin, it seems that we have to do something."

She laughed, "I have three, how about you two?"

Qin Mo pursed his lips and looked at her, scanning her thin body.

Can a guy who has been beaten so many times and has almost never won three wins?

He looked like he couldn't.

He said slowly: "You look so weak, how about three of me and two of you, it's really not enough, one is fine."

After speaking, he kicked over, and the person in front of him was kicked out.

Shi Jiu: "..." Is she really that weak?

(End of this chapter)

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