The villain boss is my family

Chapter 637 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 637 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (50)

A crisp mobile phone ringing interrupted his attempted action.

Because of his guilty conscience, he was taken aback.

It was found that the phone of the man in his arms rang.

His complexion quickly returned to normal, and he reached out to take out the mobile phone in his pocket.

He found out that it was Mrs. Qiu's call, and after thinking about it, he connected.

From the other end came Qiu's mother's worried voice.

"Bessie, why haven't you come back yet? Mom is very worried about you, you are always unsafe outside as a girl..."

Hearing what Qiumu said, Qin Mo was stunned. He didn't listen carefully to what Qiumu said. At this moment, his mind was already in a mess.

girl? !

He looked down at the sleeping man, squinting his eyes, this guy is really a woman!

The soft thing he touched just now

His ears were red.

She is really a woman!

The person in his arms is like a hot potato, whether he throws it or not.

For the first time in my life, I was so entangled.

"Bessie, why don't you talk, mom is worried..."

Qin Mo cut off the phone.

He looked at Shi Jiu's blood-stained face, and watched his lips pursed into a straight line.

This face looks feminine, with a thin skin and tender flesh, how does it look like a boy!

He was cheated by her!
No, he should have been tricked by the entire Qiu family!
He has a complicated face. Does she pretend to be a man and marry him?

Is that right?

I don't know why his heart sank.

"Master, the hospital is here."

The butler's voice pulled him back from his thoughts.

Qin Mo came back to his senses, got out of the car and walked into the hospital with Shi Jiu in his arms.


In the dark ward.

In the dim environment, Qin Mo looked at the people on the hospital bed in silence for a long time.

It never occurred to him that she was a woman.

He knew that his mother had a verbal engagement with the wife of the Qiu family, and everyone took it seriously.

However, he didn't take it seriously.

He thinks it is better to make decisions about marriage by himself.

Let him marry a wife he doesn't like, to be honest he can't do it.

Since she doesn't want to marry him, it's fine to just say no, why bother?
Just because he was ill and was asserted that he would not live to be 30 years old?
Or something else?
That being the case, why did you approach him again?

And saved him.

So, he couldn't figure it out.

Qin Mo stretched out his hands and rubbed his sore eyes. After sleepiness struck, he stood up and walked out of the ward.


the next day.

Shi Jiu woke up leisurely.

When she opened her eyes and found that she was in the hospital, she froze for a moment.

Then, he quickly sat up and reached out to touch his body.

However, she didn't realize that there was another person watching her, and when she realized that someone was there, she froze.

She saw Qin Mo looking at her with a cold face, and his eyes seemed to say, "Explain well, if you can't explain it, it feels like you are eating fruit."

Huo Qilin's gloating voice came out of his mind: "Oh ho, let me tell you, woman, you are finished!"

Shi Jiu's face was dark, wishing he could take Huo Qilin out and beat him up.

She looked at Qin Mo with a flattering smile, "That classmate Qin, why are you here?"

Qin Mo raised his eyes and said lightly, "I sent you to the hospital."

Then, the smile on Shi Jiu's face could no longer be maintained.

It was the hospital he sent her to.

Did he find anything?
Or did he find out about her disguise as a man?


With cold eyes, Qin Mo answered her in a cold tone, "I already know that it's a woman's business."

Seeing him expose her without hesitation, Shi Jiu suddenly didn't know how to speak.

It's okay if she has a heart to prepare for this!

She was so caught off guard that she really didn't know how to explain it to him.

(End of this chapter)

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