The villain boss is my family

Chapter 641 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 641 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (54)

When Qin Mo saw that it was her, he was slightly taken aback, and then he looked away.

After Shi Linglong introduced herself, the teacher said, "Student Shi Linglong, you can find a seat to sit down first, the teacher will arrange your seat then, can you?"

She pursed her lips in satisfaction, just as she wanted.

She smiled and nodded very politely, "Yes, teacher."

When the teacher saw her smile, her heart seemed to melt, and her face turned red.

She even looked at a little girl can see the blush!
There are many empty seats in the class, including the seat next to Qin Mo.

The boy next to him who was empty was even more excited, because they were very likely to be lucky enough to be chosen by the goddess to be her tablemates.

However, no one expected that Shi Linglong, the goddess in their hearts, went straight to Qin Mo's side.

With a smile on her face, she looked straight at him, "Excuse me, my classmate, can I sit here?"

Seeing that scene, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Then, they all looked at Qin Mo in unison.

She chose the seat next to Young Master Qin.

Will this Young Master Qin agree?

They thought they would agree, and it would be nice for such a beautiful girl to be their tablemate.

However, none of them seemed to know what Qin Mo was thinking.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Shi Linglong smiled and asked again: "Can I sit here?"

Under the eyes of everyone's expectations.

Qin Mo's eyes flickered, he raised his eyes to look at her, and said coldly: "No."

The smiling Shi Linglong froze.

He actually rejected her in front of so many people!

The whole class was surprised.

Young Master Qin actually refused!

I don't want such a beautiful tablemate!

What's wrong with Young Master Qin?

If they were Young Master Qin, he would wish to agree.

Shi Linglong was very angry, her palms had already been gouged out fiercely by her nails.

She smiled decently, "Why?"

Qin Moyun said calmly: "I like someone alone."

Afterwards, he took out a senior book and read it, completely ignoring the other party's expression.

Shi Linglong, who was standing there, looked embarrassed, and was equally angry in her heart.


Why is this!

She smiled slightly, with a look of sudden realization, "So that's the case, then I won't bother you."

Then, she walked to the seat next to a girl with short hair and sat down.

This made some boys look disappointed.

Shi Linglong's face was sullen, and the expression in her eyes seemed to be suddenly poisoned. She looked very scary.

Since she chose to show up, that woman will definitely find her.


After a class, Shi Jiu went to Qin Mo's class non-stop.

When I came to the door of the classroom, I found that the windows and the door were full of people.

"It's really beautiful! I didn't expect what they said was true!"

"Ah! Why am I not a student in this class!"

"The goddess looked over, she just smiled at me, and my heart was captured by her."


She squinted her eyes, it seemed that Shi Linglong was really popular!
Since she showed up, if she didn't come to the door, I'm really sorry for her painstaking efforts.

She pushed aside the person at the door and walked in swaggeringly.

Her sudden appearance startled everyone.

It also attracted Shi Linglong's attention.

Her eyes fixed on Shi Jiu.

I sneered from the bottom of my heart.

Come so fast, is this woman scared?
Was it because she was afraid that she would snatch Mu Xie away again?

(End of this chapter)

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