The villain boss is my family

Chapter 658 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 658 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (71)

After Qin Mo returned to the room, he walked to the sofa and sat down. He closed his eyes and sighed softly.

I don't know if this matter has any effect on her.


The phone on the table rang once, then twice.

He paused for a moment, then reached out to pick up his phone and took a look, only to find three messages from her.

[I've been criticized, how about you? 】

[Did they stop us from being together? 】

Finally, there is an emoticon package of 'you will die if you don't answer me'.

Seeing that playful tone, he smiled, with the corners of his mouth raised.

[Don't worry, I'm fine, nothing can stop us. 】

After sending this sentence.

He thought for a while, and quickly typed a line with his fingertips.

[I like you regardless of gender, even if you are really a man, I also like you. 】


Shi Jiu on the other end was in a very good mood looking at the message that had been sent.

Holding the mobile phone and looking at it happily, she seemed to remember something and asked with a smile: "Huo Qilin, are you selling yourself?"

Facing her sudden question, Huo Qilin immediately became nervous, "Female...what do you want to do, female?"

"This divine beast neither sells itself nor does it perform art. It is a person who is born a demon king, and dies a demon king ghost."

Shi Jiu chuckled, and she said lightly, "Don't forget, you and I are one now."

Fire Qilin: "..."

"Woman, what are you trying to say?"

It is true that they are one now, but only temporarily.

She said casually: "If that woman Shi Linglong kills us by any chance, can you deal with it?"

Huo Qilin shook his head, ""

Its original body has been destroyed, and it needs to reshape its real body. Only the Demon King can help it.

She raised her eyebrows, "Then what should we do? Can we just wait for death? You also know that woman Shi Linglong is difficult to deal with. If we burp, your devil will run away with her, and then..."

It took Huo Qilin a long time to speak: "Woman... what do you want to do, you should just say it directly, it is not you who are beating around the bush."

Shi Jiu nodded, she squinted her eyes, "I want my ability."

Now that Shi Linglong is here, she can't sit still.

"Are you sure? Your ability is enough to destroy the plane world. If you are unhappy, innocent people will... suffer."

Shi Jiu's face darkened, "Do I look like someone like that?"

Huo Qilin did not hesitate to expose her, "You don't look like her, but your temper is quite similar."

Shijiu: "..."

She said with a sullen face, "A word, give it or not."

Fire Qilin: ""

"..." This was caught off guard.


On Monday, Shijiu came to school.

The students who saw her all cast strange eyes on her.

When the reporters squatting not far from the school gate saw her coming, they all rushed up.

Shijiu was immediately surrounded, and various problems followed.

"Master Qiu, I heard that you have an affair with Master Qin. May I ask if this is true? And when did you start?"

"Are you and Young Master Qin true love? As far as I know, Young Master Qin is the only one in the Qin family. Does the Qin family object to the two of you being together?"

"Young Master Qin is so weak, among you...who is in the leading position?"

"Master Qiu, if you don't say anything, does it mean that you acquiesce in the relationship between the two of you?"

Shi Jiu looked at the people crowded around, she frowned, obviously she didn't like it.

She thought it would be fine to leave the house, but she didn't expect the reporter to come here.


At this time, a black car parked on the side of the road?

After the butler turned off the engine and stopped the car, he slowly asked Qin Mo in the back seat, "Master, do you really want to go in?"

If something like that happened, if someone else had already hidden, the young master would go directly to it instead.

To be honest, he never thought that his young master would like that Qiu Beixi. He thought that the relationship between the two was just a little closer than ordinary friends.

No wonder Mrs. Qin was so angry that night.

He stared at Wan stared, and things still happened like this.

He pursed his lips, it must be Qiu Beixi who brought the young master down.

He believed that the young master was just fascinated by ghosts for a while, and he soon found out.

Qin Mo raised his eyes expressionlessly, and inadvertently saw Shi Jiu who was blocked in a corner not far away. His expression froze slightly, and he pushed the car door and walked out without saying a word.

The butler saw him get out of the car, poked his head out of the car window, and shouted from behind: "Master, master!"

He had no choice but to hurry up.

Before coming, Madam told him that the young master and Qiu Beixi could not meet again.


At the same time, the reporters kept throwing questions at them, Shi Jiu looked at them with a cold face.

"Master Qiu, do you think you will be blessed by the world when you are with Master Qin? Are you not afraid of being judged by the world?"

"Master Qiu, tell the truth, have you forced Master Qin..."

"Master Qiu, you should say something!"

When Shi Jiu heard their voices, her eyes flickered, and she raised her head to look at the reporters who kept asking questions, "Shut up!"

These people keep talking non-stop, are they tired after all!
They are not tired, she is tired even standing!
The reporters were all taken aback, but they were also just taken aback, and quickly found other entry points.

"Master Qiu, are you getting angry from embarrassment?"

Seeing that their offensive was still so fierce, Shi Jiu's dark eyes flashed a trace of impatience, and she said coldly: "Get out of the way!"

If she could do it, she would have done it long ago.

Seeing that they didn't move, she couldn't bear it anymore, stretched out her hand to push away the crowd, and rushed out of the encirclement.

But the reporters were not vegetarians, so they rushed up to block her way.

The corners of Shi Linglong's mouth, who had been watching from a distance, couldn't help but rise.

"Master Qiu, you can't haven't answered our question yet!"

"That's right, it's never too late to answer our questions. Tell me, how do you feel about this matter?"

"We are consensual." A cold and abrupt voice came over.

Everyone looked over and found that it was another party involved in this matter, Qin Mo.

Shi Jiu quietly watched him walking towards her step by step.

The reporter turned to Qin Mo, "Master Qin, is what you said true?"

Qin Mo stood beside her, and under everyone's suspicious eyes, he lowered his head and kissed Shi Jiu's lips, who was completely stunned.

The reporter took a quick shot, for fear of missing this moment.

Afterwards, Qin Mo took Shi Jiu's hand and replied calmly: "I like her, and she likes me too. Isn't it normal for a man to love a woman?"

He raised his eyes and casually looked at the gossip reporters, "Why, do you still have opinions?"

The reporter didn't react for a while, and they all froze in place.

Someone caught important information, and his tongue seemed to be bitten, " love women!!"

Are they not two men?
Shi Jiu licked his lips.

She chuckled, and leaned closer to Qin Mo, "I forgot to tell you, I'm actually a woman, and I'm with him if you like me, what's the problem?"

After that, she didn't bother to pay attention to the reporters who were in a state of confusion, and hurriedly dragged Qin Mo away from the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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