The villain boss is my family

Chapter 660 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 660 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (73)

Shi Jiu smiled and watched him walking towards her step by step.

Qin Mo stepped onto the stage and stood beside her.

Smelling his unique smell in her nose, she tilted her head and blinked her eyes, "Why are you here?"

Qin Mo took her hand, "Of course I will be there on such an important occasion."

Feeling the warmth in his palm, Shi Jiu held his hand tightly and smiled, "Thank you."

Qin Mo glanced at her with a smile in his eyes.

Everyone in the audience looked at how well-matched the two looked with envy and hatred.

"The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful, they are so well matched!"

"Looking at it makes people feel comfortable. Sure enough, good-looking people look good together no matter what,"

Even more exaggerated people cried.

"Woooo...Young Master Qin is no longer our Young Master Qin! That woman Qiu Beixi is really annoying!"

Shi Linglong, who had been hiding in the crowd all this time, stood beside the woman after seeing Qin Mo appear, her face became ferocious, and her eyes were full of viciousness.

She stared closely at the two people on the stage and held her hands tightly.

She snorted coldly, and finally left unwillingly.

Shi Jiu on the stage clearly caught her leaving figure, his eyes darkened, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Woman, what crazy move do you think Shi Linglong will make?"

"I don't know yet."

She pursed her lips and glanced at Qin Mo next to her, and smiled slightly. As long as he was by her side, she would not be afraid of anything.


After the fact that the young master of the Qiu family was a woman was made public, everyone was very envious because she was with the young master of the Qin family.

Shi Jiu and Qin Mo had been bored for more than half a month.

In the school at this time.

Many students looked at the two people who were walking not far away with pink bubbles and kept discussing.

"Seeing them together every day is really cruel to dogs!"

"This young master Qin was snatched away by Qiu Beixi first. I should have known that I would confess. It's fine if I don't get to see it. Now I can only watch from a distance."

"Don't be sour, she's getting engaged tomorrow, no matter what, we can only watch."


Shi Jiu said, "We're getting engaged tomorrow, are you nervous?"

Qin Mo stopped suddenly.

She turned around wondering, "Why didn't you leave?"

I saw him take out a small box, and when he opened it, there was a ring inside.

Qin Mo asked conventionally: "Will you marry me?"

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows, "I don't want to."


"No flowers and no sincerity."

Qin Mo nodded and was about to kneel down, but she quickly stopped him, "I'm just kidding you."

She reached out and pulled the ring, put it on her hand and looked at it slowly.

Qin Mo stared blankly at her actions, then asked, "Then will you marry me?"

She looked at him and chuckled, "Would you agree if I said no?"

"will not."

"That's fine."

"But I want to hear from you."

Shi Jiu had nothing to do with him, walked over to him and said softly, "I am willing to marry you."

A smile gradually appeared on Qin Mo's face.

When Shi Jiu saw him smiling like a child, she couldn't help but feel happy.

"Master Qin." A voice came from behind them.

The two looked over and found that it was Chen Yao who hadn't seen him for many days.

"Woman, she is Shi Linglong now."

Hearing Huo Qilin's voice, Shi Jiu's eyes lit up, what does that woman want to do?
Shi Linglong walked over and smiled as if nothing had happened, "Congratulations."

Shi Jiu nodded slightly calmly, "Thank you."

"Then can I attend the engagement banquet tomorrow?"

Seeing her harmless appearance, her expression froze slightly.

Shi Linglong smiled, "Can you?"

Shi Jiu nodded calmly, "Of course."

"Then we'll see you tomorrow."

So, "Chen Yao" left.

Shi Jiu looked at her figure and frowned, not knowing what to think.

Qin Mo looked at her wonderingly, "What's wrong?"

She smiled slightly and shook her head, "It's okay."

Then, the two left together.

(End of this chapter)

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