The villain boss is my family

Chapter 680: Chapter of the End Times to the Beginning

Chapter 680 Returning to the beginning of the end of the world (19)

How could he ask a cat such a question.

Is he crazy, to think Xiaoguai knows.

With a sullen face, he stretched out his hand to stroke the hair on her body, "Little boy, stay at home well, don't go out and run around all the time."

Shi Jiu replied softly: "Meow meow..."

[Got it, I promise I won't run around. 】

Afterwards, Huo Qilin's voice came out of her mind, "Woman, now is a good opportunity, hurry up and use the seven-color bead test to see if the Demon Lord has supernatural powers."

She narrowed her eyes, "Got it."

She stood up suddenly, jumped off the sofa, and left Lu Chengran's side all of a sudden.

Seeing her leave, Lu Chengran couldn't help asking, "Little boy, where are you going?"

After a while, I saw her running over with a stuffed mouth and jumping onto the sofa.

Shi Jiu let go of his mouth, and a bright bead suddenly appeared on the sofa.

She stretched out her hand and pushed the bead to Lu Chengran's side.

"Meow meow meow……"

[Man, take it quickly. 】

Lu Chengran looked at the very beautiful bead with some curiosity.

He raised his eyebrows, "Little boy, what is this and where did you get it?"

This bead looks very valuable.

Could it be the treasure that Xiaoguai secretly hid.

Thinking about it, he chuckled, damn baby.

Shi Jiuduan was sitting on the sofa, she raised her head and looked at him meowing solemnly: "Meow meow..."

[This is a good thing, pick it up quickly. 】

For some reason, Lu Chengran seemed to understand what she said, he chuckled, "Little boy, do you want me to hold this bead?"

Shi Jiu squinted his eyes and nodded: "Meow meow..."

【That's right, I want you to take it】

Lu Chengran reached out to pick up the bead, but the bead changed color instantly.

He watched the table change color constantly, and he felt a little surprised.

"Little boy, where did you get these beads?"

Shi Jiu's eyes kept falling on the bead in his hand.

Seeing its color, it slowly turned red at the end.

She raised her eyebrows, red, with fire attribute?
But how to stimulate this ability?
"The outbreak of abilities requires specific opportunities, such as certain times of crisis..."

She frowned, at a time of crisis?

Lu Chengran saw the suddenly quiet cat, "Little boy, what's wrong with you?"

Shi Jiu came back to her senses, she stood up and walked over to rub his hand, "Meow meow..."

[We don't have much time, you know? 】

The man glanced at the bead that turned red, and then fell on Shi Jiu's body in deep thought.

Weird little boy.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the hospital was blocked.

A cordon has been set up outside the hospital, and uniformed police officers are standing guard outside the hospital
A policeman asked in confusion, "Brother Huang, why did you call us here all of a sudden?"

What happened to this hospital?

The person called Brother Huang was lighting a cigarette. He took a puff of the cigarette, and then spit it on his face, "Ask me, I'll ask who."

Police officer Xiao Li suggested with a smile on his face: "Brother Huang, we have been here for half an hour, and the cordon has been pulled, and there is no unusual movement, how about we go out for a drink first?"

Brother Huang stretched out his hand and patted his head, "I'm at work, and I still want to drink!"

Police officer Xiao Li covered his head and complained: "Why are you just doing nothing!"

He thought something big would happen, but nothing happened.

Brother Huang glanced at him, "Are you free?"

He pointed in another direction with three fingers, "Here, isn't that it?"

Police officer Xiao Li followed his fingers and looked over.

He sneered, and it wasn't his strong point to appease the shrew-like people.

Brother Huang snorted coldly: "Didn't you say you have nothing to do? Go and appease them!"

Police officer Xiao Li looked sad and walked over resignedly.


The number of people stopped outside gradually increased, and they all wanted to enter the hospital, they shouted loudly.

A short-haired woman with an incubator looked displeased: "Why is the hospital sealed off? My mother is still inside! Let me in quickly!"

"That's right! I just went out for half an hour, and just came back from work, and you blocked the hospital. Why?"

"Get out of the way, let us go in!"

Police officer Xiao Li came over with a smile on his face, "Stop arguing, the hospital has been locked by Feng Qi, and no one can enter now."

A middle-aged uncle said: "Why can't you go in, you can give me an explanation!"

This question confused police officer Xiao Li.

He didn't know why he blocked this place, and he came here just to follow orders.

He explained with embarrassment: "This... this... Actually, I don't know what's going on. This is an order from above."

The short-haired woman reached out and pushed him angrily, "You don't know! How could you not know! Is there no reason to block this place?"

"That is, if you don't give us a reason today, then you will let us in!"

Police officer Xiao Li was pushed back a few steps, he had a headache on his face, "I'm sorry, we are also business-like, please forgive us."

Suddenly, there were very loud roars and miserable voices in the hospital, and those voices made people creepy just listening to them.

The hearts of the few people standing outside the cordon thumped.

The middle-aged man asked suspiciously, "What was that sound just now?"

The short-haired woman shook her head, "I don't know, it seems to come from the hospital."

They can't go in. They don't know what's going on inside now.

Suddenly seeing so many people surrounding the hospital, they didn't know what happened inside, otherwise there wouldn't be such a big commotion.

Just when everyone was confused.

Suddenly, a man in a mess with blood on his body rushed out of the hospital gate. Because he ran too fast, he fell heavily on the door.

He quickly turned around and saw the zombies running from inside. The expression on his face was terrified, his eyes widened, and he kept shouting: "No! Don't come here, don't come here!"

He doesn't want to die!He doesn't want to die!
Looking at the people standing not far away, he hurriedly called for help: "Help! Help!! Come and save me!!"

This sudden scene stunned the people outside, and they didn't understand what happened inside.

Gradually, the roar at the door gradually became louder, and gradually they saw the zombies like those in the movie exposed under their eyes.

Police officer Xiao Li looked shocked: "That, that... that, what is that!"

What it is!
(End of this chapter)

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